Ref. No. : CA - 6355 - (Less than 1 year Exp. – with 16.8 years in Plastic Industry)


Post Diploma In Plastic Mould Design-2008 Central Institute Of Plastic Engineering And Technology - A-grad.
High School - 2002 53.53% Saraswati Vidaya Mandir, Gonda, Utter Pradesh
(Hindi, English, Math, Science)
Intermediate) - 2004 50.00 % G.i.c Gonda, U.p Board (Hindi, English, Math)

Skill Sets

Auto CAD 2006, Catia V5 R16, Unigraphics NX 3, Pro-E, Master CAM,
MS-DOS, Windows 2000 XP & Windows 2000

Work Experience

Design Engineer
Since July-2008.
Presently working with leading manufacturer of Auto mobile part like YR9 Tank, relay starter, pencil coil, cowl, wiser, Ignition coil, washer motor and many types of assembly for MARUTI, HONDA, YAMAHA and HUNDAI.
Job profile
Develop new mould for developing component.
Rectification in existing tools.
Implements ECRN in existing component drawing.
Developing prototype sample of component

Project & Seminar
Successfully Design of the part and mould and manufactured a Hand Injection Mould for a bottle cap in the seventh semester.
(August 2008 to January 2008)
Successfully presented a seminar on ‘Requirement of heater in hot runner mould’ in the seventh semester (August 2008 to January 2008)

Future Goals

To utilize my skills in an environment that offers opportunity to learn and grow with and within the organization.

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