Ref. No. : CA - 1389 - (Designers - Dies & Tools – with 18.7 years in Plastic Industry)


Perusing MBA(first semester) from IMT Ghaziabad
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering From Government Polytechnic Kanpur (U.P.) in Year 2002-2005 with 72.6% of Marks.
One Year Post Diploma in Tool Design & Manufacturing(CAD/CAM) from Central Tool Room & Training Centre with 84 % of Marks.
Intermediate (12th ) Group PCM from UPBSE Allahabad in Year 1999.
SSC (10th) Group Science from UPBSE Allahabad in Year 1997

Skill Sets

Injection Mould Design On Cad Software Unigraphics Nx4.0.

Work Experience

Engineer Design
Since Aug. 2008
Company Profile : Leading manufacturer of electrical connectors in the world having group turn-over 40000 million INR.
Notable Highlights:
Responsible for Designing, Development & Trial (up to release) of new Injection Moulds, Jig Fixture and Gauges.
Responsible for Designing of High Precision Fully Automatic Injection Moulds.
To prepare time schedule chart for Injection Moulds, Jig Fixture and Gauges designing and manufacturing.
Responsible for calculation of tooling manufacturing cost including Jig Fixture and Gauges cost
Involved in Product Costing.
Involved as a CTS (Corporate Tooling Support) member to provide Tooling/ Technical support to another Department.
Involved in Process Planning for Development of new Injection Moulds, Jig Fixture and Gauges as per priority.
Responsible for vendor visit as per different requirement.
Involved in some documentary work like to fill up FSTR (First sample test report), RSS (Requirement specification Sheet), FSS (Functional specification sheet) etc.
Working on software Co-Create 2008 for (2D & 3D) and on WORKMANAGER for saving released design in our Working directory.
Good knowledge of Inspection and Quality.
Involved in Heat treatment process.

Department : Design (Tool Room)
Designation : Design Engineer (CAD)
Duration : From May 2007 to Aug. 2008.
Job Profile : Part Modelling, Assembly, Croe/cavity extraction, Detailing, Working with
Unigrafics NX 4.0 & Pro-e wf2.0.

Central Tool Room & Training Center Bhubaneswar (Orissa)
Department : Tool Room (Design & Manufacturing)
Designation : Trainee Engineer.
Duration : 10 Months (July 2006 to April 2007)

Design & Manufacturing of Automatic injection mould of:
CFL Top & Bottom
MCB assembly ( including Cover, Body, Nob, Sleeve)
Intex woofer cover,
Independently Design & Develop a new model For Intex woofer cover,
Components for electrical uses.

Future Goals

To Provide Tooling Solution For Every Kind Of Project
To innovate new concepts & provide design solutions to the company & it will Feel very proud to to be a part of growth of organization. I can utilize my all skills In the favor of company & it will provide chance to grow of my professional carrier.

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