Ref. No. : CA - 5873 - (Production - Moulding – with 18.6 years in Plastic Industry)


P.G.Diploma-Post Grduate Deploma In Plastics Processing and Testing (2006-2007)
Central Institute of Plastics Engineering And Technology(CIPET) (ministry of chemistry and fertilizer) Govt. of India, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. Merit position :1st CLASS
B.Sc. Chemistry(Hons.) 2001-2004 North Orissa University, S.M.V Jharpokharia,Mayurbhanj. Merit position: 2nd CLASS

Skill Sets

{Injection molding [ENGEL (microprocessor), EPM-180, JTS-40, FR-20, TEXAIR JIM-7H], Automatic Blow molding, Extrusion-kolsite film plant, Rotational & Transfer molding,
Thermoforming M/c, compression molding M/c, PVC/HDPE Pipe Plant ,Pad Printing M/c, Heat Sealing M/c, High Frequency Welding M/c, Ultrasonic Welding M/c}.
Good idea about [Plastic material handing, Additives, Maintenance of m/c, Industrial management & SQC].

Work Experience

Production Engineer
August 2006 to till date
Company Profile : An ISO-9001-2000 Company engaged in the manufactured of molding item like automotive and refrigerator part, T.V Cabinate, carets and home appliances product like tools and buckets. Clients : Onida Mirc Electronic limited, Thana., Whirlpool of India Limited, Pune, Tata motors Limited, Pune. Ion Exchange India Limited, Pune. Kalyani Sharp Limited, Mahindra & Mahindra. Fiat
Job Profile :
Shift production reporting to asst. manager production.
To set process parameters when ever mold changes and monitoring the process,
Maintaining ISO Document.
Attended Trouble Shooting.
Solving Molding Defects.
To look after corrective and preventive action , improvement & modification in molding processing.
Responsible for customer compliant.
Maintaining quality of production.
Check quality of the product by visual inspection,
Manpower Handling.
Follow up, implementation of system like UNIDO, KAIZEN, 5S, KANBAN ,POKA-YOKE.
Machine Details :
SP800 KMP 1000 Aleen Bradley 110 (Gaim)
SP600 KMP 1000
SP400 KMP 1000
NISSEI Japan techniquesNI460
Mafatlal Nigatta NN350(batten field)

Raw Material Processing :

Mould Handling:
Two Plate, Three Plate, Hot runner, Sprue & runner less, mould master system, Multi Cavity, Family mould.

Future Goals

Intend to build a carrier with leading corporate of hi-tech & challenging work environment with committed and dedicated people which will help me to explore myself fully and realize my potential. While working I always remain confident, result oriented, dedicated & industrious.

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