Ref. No. : CA - 28592 - (Maintenance and Service - Mechanical – with 14.3 years in Plastic Industry)


Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) Gujarat University 60.86% June 2006-June 2010

Science 12th GSHSEB 74.00% June 2005-June 2006

Science 10th GSHSEB 75.57% June 2003-June 2004

Skill Sets

A versatile and technically competent Mechanical engineering professional with expertise in Project& Maintenance management, Planning & Scheduling, Risk Assessment, Material management, Turnaround/ Shutdown planning, possessing 10 years’ experience in the Oil and Gas sector seeks employment in a reputed organization.

Maintenance Management, Planning & Scheduling, Material Management, Project Management, Piping & Structure, Turnaround & shutdown, coordination/execution, Analytical thinking, Troubleshooting& Analysis, Contractor Management

Maximo, Microsoft Project, Primavera (Basic), SAP PM, MMCS (Material Management & Control Services), Microsoft Office

Work Experience

Maintenance Planner (Refinery Section RRE).
Since January 2020
Job Profile :
Responsible for Planning & Scheduling of Routine Maintenance, MOC Project & Shutdown/Turnaround in Refinery Section.
Maintenance & Turnaround/Shutdown Planning & Scheduling
To develop job plan which consists cost & Man-hour estimation, Material requirement, Special tools/equipment requirement, Inspection requirements, Requirement of Special contracts and transportation of equipment for maintenance work (Preventive/Corrective, Short outage/unit shut down and breakdown).
Prepare and develop a job pack that includes detailed work plan, required materials, reference drawings, QA/QC requirements, technical procedures, HSEF procedures.
Prepare complete job scope & budget for all major MOCs & shutdown jobs for outsourcing contracts.
Prepare Daily & Weekly schedule for routine maintenance and minimize the back log, also weekly review of plan vs. actual result.
To assure timely closure of maintenance orders with proper documents & maintenance history.
Planning and scheduling of AIMP & HSECES equipment & report preparation.
Critical Spares identification & procurement to maintain required stock using MAXIMO system.
Preparation shutdown or Major job schedule and List out the critical path activity, Preparation of S-curve.
Preparation of pre-shutdown activity schedule. Monitoring the same and publishing the report for completion in stipulated schedule to carry out shutdown on time.
Shutdown progress monitoring and publishing the look ahead plan. Plan Vs. actual schedule monitoring to get the additional resources requirement.
Close out of shutdown WBS and releasing the shutdown report. Releasing the shutdown learning to be implemented for upcoming shutdown.

Maintenance/Project (MOC) Engineer
May 2017 to December 2019
Job Profile :
Responsible for MOC Projects, Maintenance Planning, Plant Maintenance (Static & Rotary), Turnaround/ Shutdown planning & execution.
MOC Projects, Maintenance & Turnaround/Shutdown Planning & Execution
Job scope preparation for various Project, Maintenance & Turnaround/Shutdown activities, which includes the detailed steps involved in carrying out the activity as per schedule, required resources, division of responsibility (DOR), HSE interface document, Quality standard (WPS & ITP) to be followed, Skill set requirement and estimation.
Follow up of ordered material for Ensuring Quality of materials as per agreed specifications, timely inspection and delivery of materials and packages.
Contractor bid evaluation and feedback for selection of appropriate contractor for the job.
Material procurement & planning for the jobs to be executed and Material reservation in SAP PM Module. Equipment, Piping, Structure drawing/design review, Technical Bid evaluation of ordered item.
Review Technical specifications of equipment for MOC Projects, Follow up with Engineering division align with operations for SOP/SMP of equipment for MOC Projects.
My duties involve annual planning and Budget preparation.
Preparation of daily and weekly planning. Resource arrangement and schedule preparation.
Resource & material planning (SAP-PM Module) as per weekly planning for completing the schedule maintenance activities. It involves identification of correct material, required manpower and P&M.
Notification and work order management (SAP-PM Module).
Key performance indicator (KPI) report and it’s monitoring.
Creation of functional location and equipment TAG (Asset) in SAP, Material codification request, BOM preparation and inventory modeling of the new created materials.
Planning and scheduling of shutdown activities in various steps like conceptual planning, detailed planning, scheduling, execution & monitoring, Closing and feedback.
List out the critical path activity (Top 10).
Shutdown progress monitoring and publishing the look ahead plan. Plan Vs. actual schedule monitoring to get the
additional resources requirement.
Close out of shutdown WBS and releasing the shutdown report including shutdown learning. • The jobs were including the preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, breakdown maintenance, shutdown
& turnarounds of asset installed in plants like pumps, compressor, heat exchangers, vessel & Columns.
Preparation of primary investigation report of centrifugal pumps, mechanical seal failure for detailed analysis.
The activities of online sealing for leaky joints are also included in day to day jobs.
Execution of hot tap on lines like steam, hydrocarbon, Fire water etc.
Trouble shooting of the asset installed in units like Pumps, Blowers, Steam turbine, Compressor and Valves.
Develop the Standard Maintenance Procedure (SMP) and Mechanical Integrity & Quality Assurance (MIQA)
checklists to ensure compliance to HSEQ procedures and best practices to improve the quality of the jobs.
Preparation of risk assessment of routine and non-routine maintenance jobs using HITRA tool.
Maintaining WPS (Work Place Safety), PSM (Process Safety Management) & CSM (Contractor Safety Management) related documentation.

Manager: Project Engineer.
August 2013-April 2017
Job Profile :
Responsible for overall Project Planning & execution for MOC jobs, Turnaround/shutdown
Project & Turnaround/Shutdown Planning & Execution
Contractor job scope preparation for various Project & Turnaround/Shutdown activities, which includes the
detailed steps involved in carrying out the activity as per schedule, required resources, division of responsibility (DOR), HSE interface document, Quality standard (WPS & ITP) to be followed, Skill set requirement and estimation.
Contractor bid evaluation and feedback for selection of appropriate contractor for the job.
Material procurement & planning for the jobs to be executed and Material reservation in SAP MM Module. Equipment, Piping, Structure drawing/design review, Technical Bid evaluation of ordered item.
Review Technical specifications of equipment for MOC Projects, Follow up with Engineering division align with operations for SOP/SMP of equipment for MOC Projects.
Follow up of ordered material for Ensuring Quality of materials as per agreed specifications, timely inspection and delivery of materials and packages.
Pre-shutdown/Shutdown/Post-shutdown activity preparation and execution planning.
Piping & Structure installation and modification in plant. Which includes the isometric, P&ID review, Bill of material preparation, total scope preparation for pre-fabrication and field joint, Weld procedure and test plan review, Schedule preparation, Job execution and coordinate for NDT various stages and keep records. Hand over file
preparation and coordination with operation.
Providing input to the planning department regarding the required resources and activities for the upcoming jobs.
Permit Preparation, Coordination with operations for approval and its closure in SAP system.
Job measurement certification of working contractors.
Daily progress report preparation and share with concern.
Job activity scheduling for the major jobs being carried out in plant and estimate the required resources like manpower, P &M and material. Communication to concern department for arranging the same.
Preparation of risk assessment of routine and non-routine maintenance jobs using HITRA tool.
Maintaining WPS (Work Place Safety), PSM (Process Safety Management) & CSM (Contractor Safety Management) related documentation.
Rigging Plan Preparation for Heavy & Tandem lifting of equipment, Structure or Piping.
HSEF compliance (RESOP, MIQA, CFA, CSM).

Deputy Manager: Project engineer (Mechanical)
July 2010 to July 2013
Company Name : Essar Oil Ltd
Job Profile :
Responsible for Project execution and commissioning of different units during refinery expansion project.
Project execution and commissioning
Erection activities of various rotating & static equipment like Pump, exchanger, vessel, blowers etc.
Fabrication and Erection of Piping & Structures Which includes the isometric, P&ID review, Bill of material preparation, total scope preparation for pre-fabrication and field joint, Weld procedure and test plan review, Schedule preparation, Job execution and coordinate for NDT various stages and keep records. Hand over file preparation and coordination with operation.
Hydro/Pneumatic testing of Piping System as per ITP.
Contractor job scope preparation which includes the detailed steps involved in carrying out the activity as per schedule, required resources, division of responsibility (DOR), HSE interface document, Quality standard (WPS & ITP) to be followed, Skill set requirement and estimation.
Contractor bid evaluation and feedback for selection of appropriate contractor for the job.
Material reservation for the jobs to be executed.
Permit Management as per company HSEF guidelines. • Coordination with various disciplines (Civil, Instrument, Electrical, Operations, Inspection, Engineering, Workshop, Safety) to complete project on time.

Noteworthy Accomplishment
Successfully completed Turnaround activities in current company Refining Ruwais RRE.
Two piping projects during Essar oil refinery expansion (De-mineralized water unit & Waste water Treatment Facility including Petcock conveyor & OSBL rack piping).
Successfully completed Turnaround activities in Coker, Crude, VGO, DHDS, FCC units at previous company.
Completion of 8 Nos. MOCs (Profit making or Energy conservation MOC projects in operating units) at previous company.
Refinery Dispatch Tank farm & Rail/Road Gantry Maintenance & operations without any incidents at Essar oil LTD.

Experience of Green field and Brown field Projects, Maintenance (Static & Rotary), Planning at current and previous company & Essar Oil LTD.
Experience of turnaround/shutdowns in Crude, Hydrotreater, Coker, FCC, Aromatic & DHDS plant with various task assigned as mechanical maintenance engineer.
Have experience in Planning & Scheduling and Material management (Primavera/MSP/MAXIMO/SAP-PM) for maintenance/project/turnaround activities.
Knowledge of P&ID, PFD, Isometrics, Equipment drawing & datasheet, Piping & Structure drawing and Oil & Gas sector codes & standards.
Have experience in Preventive and Breakdown maintenance of Rotary equipment like Pumps, Compressors, ID/FD Fans, Steam turbine etc. and Static equipment like Vessels/Columns, Tanks, Heat exchangers, Fin-fan coolers, Steam generator, Heaters, Valve servicing, PSV valve periodical checking etc.
Overhauling experience of centrifugal & reciprocating Pumps (Overhung, between bearing, diaphragms), Steam turbine, Exchangers (Fixed & Floating head), Fin Fan air cooler, Vessel & Columns including Exchanger tube bundle & Fin Fan air cooler re-tubing job.

Future Goals

To obtain a management role that leverages and enhances my experience and skills

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