Ref. No. : CA - 2552 - (Costing – with 40 years in Plastic Industry)


Passed B.Com ( 58)in the year 1983 from Rajasthan University, Jaipur.

Skill Sets

Experience of 25 Years ( Manufacturing Unit ).

Work Experience

Since I have experience of 23 years in one organization, handling various Departments viz- Stores, Purchase, Logistics, Sales, Administrative, Costing, Accounts, Planning etc, I am capable to handle any Unit of Plastic Industry.

I have been working with the largest Plastic Processor Company of this country since 1982. During the tenure I have worked in following areas :
Stores officer :During 1982 - 87,worked as Stores officer and complete work of Receiving, Issuing & Storing the Engineering and Raw material were under my supervision.

Purchase officer: During 1987-1992 I worked in Purchase Dept and as Purchase officer I saved considerable amount in monthly purchases of Packing material, Raw Material etc.

Administrative Executive: I was shifted to new location of this organization, I have been looking after administrative work since 1993.I handled various issues of factory relating to administrative job viz handling government officers - Labour & Factory Inspector. With good repo with workers, The agreements with Union handled without stoppage/slow work of single day. Since the factory is in a village, Locals issues were handled without any problem.

Commercial Manager :Since last 5 years I have been working as Commercial Manager of this Unit. From procuring material to selling the product is being done under my supervision. Purchase, Sales, Accounts, Costing, Administration are my key areas of responsibility.
I am well versed with Excise Rules. Registration, Cenvat Rules, Export Documentation/procedures are being handled
I am also well aware of Safety, 5S, ISO 9000 procedures.

Future Goals

Heading profit centre.

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