Ref. No. : CA - 7326 - (Dispatch Stores Logistics & Commercial – with 33.2 years in Plastic Industry)


Perusing MBA From IMT Ghaziabad In Operation Mgmt, Fourth Semester Is Running.
M.Sc Chemistry (Specialization - Organic Chemistry) From Jiwaji University- Gwalior (M.P.)
Certificate Course In ‘Computer Application’ From UPTRON ACL, Agra, & ‘Swift Jyoti’NIIT, Gurgaon

Skill Sets

Vast Experience in Purchase of Chemicals, Packaging Materials, Master Batches.
Hands-on Experience on ERP ( Oracle & RAMCO ERP), Tally, Vishesh.(Accounting Software)
Productivity Tools: MS Office, Lotus Notes / database, a good Computer Savy.

Work Experience

Manager – Materials
Since Jan. 2009
Reporting to VP (Sales & Operations)
Company Profile: Leading PET Bottles and Jars Manufacturer in India.
Roles and Responsibilities: (ERP System Compliant)
Directing & Controlling Central Purchasing in all three north Indian Plants.
Leading a Team of 12 Nos. Astt. Managers, Purchase Officers & Commercial Assistants ( Store ).
Managing Purchase of PET, PP, Master Batches, Packing Accessories, Electrical & Electronic Items , Lab Equipments, Consumables by evaluating Quotations, Negotiation, Releasing P.O.
Release PO’s and maintains contracts and agreements for buying different components and keeping confidentiality.
Decision Making for striking the best deals. Four Eye Concept.
Continuously looking for alternate sources and cost reduction targets.
Finalisations of Purchase Contracts & Budgets.

New Vendor / Sub Contractor Development, Vendor Up gradation by Conducting Vendor Audits & Training, Supervising outsourced operations. Maintain and keep new suppliers records and new components costing sheets. Generating & Evaluation of Vendor Performance Reports. To visit suppliers and customers to satisfy their queries.

Optimization of Inventory & Service Levels: To maintain Min-Max levels of all materials taking into consideration ABC analysis. Maintain fine balance between stock out and over stocking. Reduce & Control Inventories.

MIS Reports: Monthly MIS Reports of Materials Consumption, Ageing analysis of Inventories, Pending PRN Statement etc., Comparative Prices, Input Output Analysis. Sales return Notes. Root Cause Analysis.

Perpetual Audit & Physical Stock Taking: To undertake perpetual audit of System Stocks & Physical stocks. Generate exceptions report and submit to Management. Also to monitor Periodical inventory audits.

Reduction of Slow & Non Moving Materials & their Disposal: To take all necessary steps for reducing the Slow moving & Non Moving Materials and to make a proper plan for the same. Proper disposal of Scrap Materials by following all necessary ‘Internal Audit Procedures’ & Proper Commercial evaluations in liquidation of any Scrap Materials. FSN Analysis.

Stock Records: To ensure all entries (like GRN, MRS, MRN etc.) are made in the system within the stipulated Time thereby preventing any backlogs.

Monitoring of Materials Issues: To follow material issuing methods like FIFO based on the shelf life of the materials and storage conditions.

Supply Chain at Different Locations:- To Ensure availability of Raw materials and Finished Goods at other Locations of the Company by networking with other material controllers of the company at various Locations. Ensure that the overall inventory of the organization is maintained at an optimum level by sharing, transferring etc. Avoiding any Premium Freight.

Manager – Purchase & Store
From April 1997 to Jan 09
Reporting to GM (Operations) and COO.
Henkel Teroson India Ltd
HTIL is a JV company of Henkel KGaA-Germany & Anand Group of India. HTIL is involved in manufacturing of Specialty Adhesives, Sealants (PVC and Mastic based polymers) and Coatings, Extruded Butyl Tapes, Cavity Waxes, Resins & Consumer Product like Radiator Coolants. HTIL has a turnover of 200 crores.
Roles and Responsibilities: ( ERP System Compliant)
Overall responsible for Purchase, stores and warehousing activities.
Follow up with central purchase.
Maintaining proper storage and preservation of materials.
Proper storage and identification of materials.
Checking the condition of stocks at regular intervals to detect deterioration/ damages/losses.
Monitoring stocks of RM & PM and analyzing the variances between physical and book stocks.
Follow up for slow and non-moving items.
Follow up with vendors for timely availability of packing materials.
Maintain a Safe and Environmental friendly condition of working in Warehouse

Assistant Manager - Production
From Jan. 1991 to March 1997
Worked with ANCHEMCO LTD. It was a leading manufacturer of various kinds of Phenol Formaldehyde Resins, PVC Compounds, Epoxy Adhesives, PVC plastisols & Various types of Car Care Consumer Products i.e. PUROCOOL & PUROGUARD brands coolants, Wax Polishes, Wind Shield Washer etc.
Roles & Work Experience:
Responsible for Routine Plant Activities. Man Power Management.
PPC and Process Control and on line quality assurance.
Development and formulation of Phenolics and modified phenolics, plastisols, paper coatings, epoxy based adhesives, thermoplastic elastomeric blends.
Testing & evaluation of resins, curatives, fillers, oils, plasticizers etc. as per specific requirements.

Future Goals

To work on Senior Level Management

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