B Com in the year 1984 from University of Rajasthan
ICWA in the year 1988 Institute of Cost Work Accountants of India, Calcutta.
General Manager – Commercial
Since June 1995: Feb 2005
With one of the leading woven sack manufacturing company in India
General Manager – Commercial reporting to Managing Director and heading all the commercial functions that mainly includes: -
1. Finance & Accounts.
2. Costing & MIS.
3 Central Excise and customs (Specialization)
4. Sale tax & Income tax.
5. I T Development.
6. Liasioning.
7. Production, Planning & Control.
8. Marketing Coordination & Follow up.
9. Raw Material procurement.
11. Projects.
Central Excise and Customs is a key function during whole tenure. Independent Laisioning with Senior Excise & Customs Officials like Deputy/Addl. Commissioner, Commissioner, their entertainment during visit, handling of cases including appeal , appearing for personal hearings, attending open houses with different authorities and discussion on current issues & problems faced by assessees due to anamolies in law.
Had lead a team of proffessional invoved in clearance of cargo consisting of 70 Forty feet Containers of Old & Second Hand Machineries more than 20 year old for our new 100% EOU unit coming up in Silvassa. Involved from inception i. e. from decision making to set up 100% EOU, procurement of land, entering in to sale deed ( As power of Attorney holder) , getting clearance from Ministry of Industries, Seepz, Mamlatdar, ATP, Survey & Settelment,Factory inspector, Power, Pollution Control Board etc.
From 1992 to 1995:
Worked with Tilam Sangh Rajasthan, A Unit of Rajasthan State Cooperative Oil Seed Growers Federation Ltd. Jaipur, as Jt. Manager (Finance), responsible for all functions related with the Finance and Accounting, Commercial, Taxation and marketing, Liasioning with the financial Institution & funding agency, It also includes The costing and MIS/EDP etc.
From 1988 to 1992:
Worked with Duphar Interfran Ltd. Vapi, (Guj) as Accounts Officer and was dealing with Central Excise & Customs, PF, ESIC, NSO, Sales Tax, Income Tax, Professional Tax & other statutory rules and regulations and their compliance
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