Ref. No. : CA - 15782 - (HRD – with 28.7 years in Plastic Industry)


M.S.W -Masters in Social Work (With specialization in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations).

L.L.B - Bachelor’s of Law (Enrolled as Advocate under Bar Council of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh High Court).

Skill Sets

This is to highlight I have a proven flair and demonstrated ability over core HR Functional areas i.e, Organization Structuring, Manpower Planning, Talent Acquisition, Formulating Policies & Systems, Talent Management, Employee Engagement, Performance Management Systems, Balance Score Card, Competency Mapping, Training & Development, OD Interventions, Retention Management, HRIS, Productivity Improvement, Role Clarity Exercises, Statutory Compliances, Employee Relations, Grievance Handling , Entering into Tri Partie Agreements with Unions

Work Experience

HR Lead Consultant
Since May 2014  
Company Profile: Provides customized process solutions for the pharmaceutical, chemical, environmental and agricultural industries.
Job Profile: 
Formulated and implemented HR Policies,System Processes in the Core HR and Administration Functional areas.
Streamlining the Existing HR & Admin Operational Proceses Systems,Institutionalizing Customized HR Initiatives.
Formulated and implemented new Performance Management System based on the Combination of KRA’s and Competency Factors,Carrying out Skill Mapping Exercises at the Workers Cadre based on the Four Quadrant Model. 
Carrying out Mentoring and Coaching Sessions for HR Team Members,Leveraging Expertise Consulting Solutions.
Dealt with Union issues and Entered into an long term Wage Settlement Agreement with an CITU affiliated Union.
General Manager
May 2011 - Apr 2014
Company Profile: A leading Automotive component manufacturer
Job Profile: 
Heading 12 Manufacturing Plants across India  as Operational HR Generalist,Handling a Team 18 Members in HR. 
Formulating New Policies and Procedures, Reviewing and Streamlining existing HR Policy System’s and Practices.
Carrying out Unit wise Organization Structuring and Manpower Planning,Carrying out Zero Budgeting Allocations.
Carrying out Centralized Recruitment of all Cadres, Carrying out Job Profiling,Evolving Recruitment Budgets & CTC Bands, Carrying out Thomas PPA Assessment,Recruitment Tracking MIS Report,Carrying Induction Training.
Formulated and implemented new PMS System based on Combination of  KRA & Competency Factors, Carried out KRA Goal Setting Exercises,Implemented Sectionwise 4-Quadrant Model of Skill Assessment for Technician level.
Carrying out Talent Management exercises through 9 Box Grid Methodology,Identifying High Potential Aspirants for Critical Positions & Carrying out Succession Planning, Carrying Interventions for building 2nd line ups,Carrying out Stretch & Enrichment Assignments,Mentoring & Coaching Sessions,Carrying out Psycho Analytic Assessments 
Carrying out Competency Model Profiling by Mapping exercise through PAQ Position Analysis Questionnaire and Focus Group discussions  also usage of Thomas Profiling  Psycho Analytic Assessment Tools and Online Dictionary.
Carrying out Unitwise Employee Engagement Interventions i.e:- Formulated and Implemented Suggestion Scheme,Facilitating Action Learning Programmes,Quality Circles & Kaizen Events,Carrying out Role Clarity Exercises, Arranging Feedback Meetings,Facilitating Open Forum Sessions,Arranging Recognition & Felicitation Programme
Carrying out Comprehensive HR Budgeting,Benefits Administration,Carrying out Variance Analysis & Projections.
Carrying out Training & Development Programmes by assessing Training Needs thru Gap Analysis in coordination with Unit level Training Advisory Committee,Adherence to Training Calendar,Taking Pre Training Expectations Commitment,Facilitating the Concept of Double Loop Action Learning,Facilitating Mentoring and Coaching Sessions,Evaluating Training through Questionnaire Feedback,Tracking Unitwise Training Manhour Schedule Log.
Facilitating TPM Kick off,Facilitating Kaizen Events and 5S Sessions at Unit levels,Double loop Action Learning Programes,Coordinating TPM Training Programmes by CII and Steering Committee Process Consultation exercises.
Preparing Monthly HRIS Reports and Quarterly Statutory Audit Reports,Carrying out PPT Presentation before the Top Management on the Unit Wise HR Department Performance and Systems Review in Quarterly Review Meetings.
Carrying out Attrition Rate analysis,Formulated Retention Programmes i.e Carrying out Exit Interviews,Implemented Retention Bonus Scheme, Assigning Turnover Accountability,Carrying out Engagement Interventions.
Tracking Unit Wise Productivity Index and in Coordination with Unit Heads plan measures to enhancing Productivity.
Monitoring Compliances under different Statutory & Regulatory Acts and Carrying out Statutory Compliance Audits.
Formulated and get Standing Order Certified from DCL for the two of its Units under Industrial Standing Order Act.
Entered into Long term Tripartite Wage Agreement under Sec 12(3)of the I.D Act,with the Internal Trade Unions. 

Sr Manager-HR
Nov 2007 - May 2011
Company Name: Suzlon Energy Ltd.
Company Profile: The Group is one of the World's leading Wind Turbine Manufacturers.
Job Profile: 
In an SEZ Green Field Project, Instrumental in Setting up HR Department right from Scratch by framing HR System Process,Implemented Policy and Procedures , Carrying out Statutory Registrations for an newly Start -up Company.
For newly Start - up Company prepared Organization Structures,Carried out the Manpower Planning based on the phased installation of Production Lines, Maintaining Skill Inventories,Carried out Department wise Zero Budgeting. 
Recruited more than 800 Employees for Start up Unit at all Cadres within span of 9 months,Carried out Bulk Recruitments, Arranged Campus Interviews and Job Fairs for Local Communities under SEZ, Undertaken Head Hunting exercises,Arranging Psycho Analytic Test (SHL - OPQ32,Thomas Profiling), Preparing Recruitment Tracking MIS.
Carrying out Talent Management exercises through 9 Box Model Methodology,Identifying High Potential Aspirants for Critical Positions and Carrying out Succession Planning,Carrying out On-line MCPA / LPA Psycho Assessment, Implemented policy of Building 2nd Line up as one of Performance criteria for Managerial level Cadres.
Carried out Gallup Q12 Engagement Survey and Engagement intervention i.e :- Implemented Suggestion Scheme,Facilitating Kaizen Events & Action Learning Programmes,Quality Circles Meetings, Carrying out Role Clarity Exercises,Arranging line Feedback Meetings,Facilitating Open Forum Sessions with Line Managers,Facilitating Mentoring and Coaching Sessions,Arranging Recognition & Felicitation Programmes, Sports & Cultural Programme.
Carrying out TQM as OD Intervention,Facilitated TQM & 5S Sessions,Facilitating TQM Trainings, Carried out RAT Intervention exercises,Facilitating TQM Quality Ethics Sessions, Quality Circle Meetings, Facilitating Cross Functional Sessions,Recognition & Felicitation Programmes for Zero NCR’s & Whistle Blowers,TQM Newsletter.
Formulated Retention Programmes i.e Tracking Attrition Rates, Carrying out Exit Interview, Implemented Retention Bonus, Assigning Turnover Accountability to HODs,Carrying out Engagement Interventions, Counselling Sessions.
Processing Salary Advice reports and Payroll in SAP, Comprehensive HR Budgeting, Roll out Variable Pay Models, CTC Re-Structuring & Fitment Exercises, Benefits Administration,Online Compensation External Equity Tracking.
Implemented Online e-PMS system,Carried out KRA Goal Setting Exercises,Implemented Bell Curve Concept in Appraisal Evaluation, Implemented Section wise Inbuilt 4 - Quadrant Model of Skill Assessment for Technician Cadres, Carrying out Mid-term Reviews, Post Appraisal Counseling,Carrying out Performance Development Plans.
In Coordination with Lean Dept Carried out Value Stream Mapping through Video Recording thus Capturing Non Value Added Steps and Reduced Cycle time , Worked out Revised Manpower Benchmarks per each Production line. 
Formed Structured Associations i.e :- Safety Committee, Grievance Committee,Works Committee, Canteen Committee, Suggestion Committee,Sports Committee and Facilitating their Periodic meetings at the regular interval.
Implemented in built Online MIS Reporting,Carrying out Internal HR Audits,HR Customer Satisfaction Surveys.
Undertaken Role Clarity Analysis exercises using the Hay Group – Job Description Template for all the Positions,Implemented RASIC (Responsibility,Approve , Support,Inform & Consult)Role Charting and Accountability Model.
Cascaded the Corporate Balance Score Card to the Plant Level,Carried out Plant level HR Strategy Mapping & Goal setting Exercises,Assigned Role Ownership Accountability,Integrated Balance Scorecard Goals with PMS,Reviewing Goal achieving progress by Tracking Lagging and Leading Indicators in the Monthly Review Meetings.
Carrying out Training & Development Programmes by assessing Training Needs thru Gap Analysis, Adherence to Training Calendar,Facilitating e-learning and Audio-Video Programmes, Carried out Mumford Learning Style Inventory Exercises, Facilitating Mentoring,Checking Performance.Try Out Evaluating through the Questionnaires.
Implemented Online Grievance Redressal “HR4U Portal” and HR Policy Manual,Carrying out Counseling Interventions,Drafted Standing Orders and Got it duly Certified,Initiating Disciplinary actions against Misconducts. 
Undertaken Social and Community Development Programme’s in nearby local Villages under the CSR Activities.

HR Lead
Sep 2004 - Nov 2007
Company Name: Aster Infratek Pvt.Ltd.
Company Profile: An ISO 9001-2000 Certified leading Telecom and Civil Infrastructure Company at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, with an Pan India Workforce of 250 Employees and Gross Annual Turnover of Rs 100 Crores. 
Job Profile:
In an newly Demerged Contracting Company, Instrumental in Establishing HR - Department right from the Scratch. 
Prepared Organization and Project based Matrix Reporting Structures,Carried out Manpower Planning based on Project requirements,Revamping and Re-deployment of Manpower from Site to Site, Maintaining Skill Inventories.
Carried out Recruitment at all Cadre levels thru Panel Interviews, Formulated Employee Referral Scheme, Carried out Head Hunting Exercises,Prepared the Recruitment Tracking MIS Reports,Carried out Audio-Video Induction.
Formulated Retention Programmes i.e :- Exit Interviews,Retention Bonus,Assigning Turnover Accountability to HOD’s,Counseling Sessions, Employee Engagement Programmes,Arranging Meeting with the Top Management. 
Coordinating with Sites for Attendance inputs, Preparation of Salary Advice Reports for Payroll processing in ERP Package,Evolving Salary Projections and Carrying out Comprehensive HR Budgeting, Carrying out Benefits Admn.
Formulated New Policy’s,Reviewing and Modifying existing HR Policies and System Procedures,Prepared SOP’s.
Formulated Appraisal Systems based on the combination of both KRA’s and Competency Factors, Carried out Goal Setting Exercises at Project Level ,Coordinating with HOD’s in Assessing the Competency Gaps of the Employee’s.
Facilitating Training Programmes by Identifying Training Needs and Target Groups,Preparing Training Calendar, Arranging On the Site and Off the Job Training on Technical & Functional Skills, Evaluating Training Effectiveness.

May 2002 - Sept 2004
Company Name: Thermal Systems Pvt.Ltd.
Company Profile: An Leading ISO : 9000-2000 Certified Engineering Company, Headed its I.D.A Bollaram Unit,with an Workforce of 250 Employees and Annual Turnover of 150 Crores at Hyderabad
Job Profile:
Managing complete Recruitment Life Cycle i.e Arranging Functional Panel interviews, Maintaining networks with the Competitive industries and Doing Cold Callings, Carrying out Induction, Maintaining the Application Database.
Facilitated in Implementing Quality Concepts i.e, TPM,5-S and Kaizen Events at Unit Level, Facilitated TPM Unit Committee meetings, Organized TPM Pillar Sessions,TPM Training sessions, Implemented the Suggestion Scheme.
Payroll Processing,HR Budgeting,Administrating Compensation and Benefits by Restructuring CTC Components.
Carrying out Performance Appraisal Systems, Coordinating with HOD’s in Assessing the Competency Gaps of Employees,Undertaking Appraisal Rating Mapping, Undertaking post Appraisal Employee Counseling & Feedback
Identifying Training Needs,Preparing Training Calendar,Facilitating Training Programmes & Evaluative Feedback.
Formulated New Policy’s,Reviewing and Modifying existing HR policies and System procedures, Prepared SOP’s. 
Carrying out Safety Compliances,Facilitating Safety Committee meetings,Carrying out General Admin Functions Pollution Control Board Compliances, Canteen Management, Housekeeping, Security, Property Tax Compliances.

HR & Admin,  
Feb.2000 - May.2002,
Company Name : M/s Jai Raj Ispat Limited.
Company Profile : A leading Steel Manufacturing industry, Headed its two Vertical units i.e.Furnace and Rolling Mill Divisions with an Workforce of 300 Employees & Turnover of 100 Crores at Hyderabad.
Job Profile : Talent Acquisition and Retention Management, Implemented Referral Scheme, Carrying out Strategic Recruitment
Maneuvering Time Office, Payroll Processing, Production link Variable Pay Models, Carrying out HR Budgeting.
Carrying out Statutory Compliances, Handled the Fatal Accidents without any major IR issues,Liasoning Goodwill.
Implemented New Appraisal System, Assessing Skill Gaps, Appraisal Rating Mapping, Post Appraisal Counseling.
Formulated and Implemented Production Link Incentive Scheme based on the Design and Effective Plant Capacity.
Identifying Training Needs, Facilitating On Job Training Programmes,Structured Induction Training Programmes.
Formulated New Policy’s, Reviewing and Modifying existing HR policies and System procedures,Prepared SOP’s.
Preparing MIS Reports, Attending External HR Annual Audit Reviews, Tracking Performance through HR Metrics. 
Grievances handling, Implemented‘Red Book Concept’ and Initiating Disciplinary actions against the Misconducts.
Carrying out Safety Compliance,Facilitating Safety Committee Meetings, Carrying out General Admin Functions, Pollution Control Board Compliance, Vendor Management, Canteen Management, Workers Quarters Management.

July 1997 - Feb 2000,
Company Name: M/s Golkonda Engineering Enterprises Ltd.
Company Profile: An Leading ISO 9002 Certified Company(A Unit of Surana Udyog Group ),Headed its two Vertical Units i.e.Jelly Filled Telephone Cables Division and Copper Granules Division with an Workforce of 200 Employees and an Annual Turnover of 55 Crores at Hyderabad.
Job Profile: 
Carrying out Manpower Planning based on the Production Lines and  Handling Entire Units Recruitment Life Cycle. 
Maneuvering Time Office Systems, Compilation of Salary Advice & Payroll Processing, Carrying out HR Budgeting.
Carrying out Performance Appraisal Systems and Post Appraisal Feedback, Maintaining Employees Service Record.
Carrying out Statutory Compliance, Handling Employees Grievances by Implementing the Red Book Concept and Maintaining Harmonious Relations, Entered into Long term Bi - Parties Wage Agreement with Internal Trade Union.
Identifying Training Needs, Facilitating On the Job Training Programme, Maintaining ISO Documentation Records.
Carrying out PCB & Safety Compliances, Carrying out General Admin & Plant Infrastructure Maintenance, Security

Future Goals

Aspiring to join in a Progressive Organization in Challenging Position where my versatile HR Functional Expertise can be Leveraged to maximum and advanced in Synergistic manner towards a Rewarding Career.

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