Ref. No. : CA - 19262 - (HRD – with 17.6 years in Plastic Industry)


MBA - IIMT, From UP Technical University in 2007

B.Sc. From CCS University, Meerut in 2003.

H.S.C From The Khalsainter-college, Meerut in 1999.

S.S.C From RG Inter-College, Meerut in 1997.

Skill Sets

A competent professional with over 7 years of experience in Human Resource Management.
Expertise in manpower management, recruitment involving resume’s generation, screening, short-listing and salary fitments.
Ability to motivate personnel towards achieving organizational objectives adhering to industry best practices.
Adept at people management, maintaining healthy employee relations, handling employee grievances thus creating an amicable & transparent environment.
Proficient in implementing HR systems and policies, conducting training programs towards enhancing employee productivity and building committed teams.
Expertise in organizing Employee engagement activities, CSR activities & welfare activities at Plant level as well as corporate level to motivate & maintain employee relations.

Work Experience

Dy. Manager–Human Resources
Since Nov 2011
Company Profile: Renowned for manufacturing Rubber Molding & Plastic Injunction molding Components for Honda, Maruti Yamaha & OEM’s. Is certified with ISO-14001, TS- 16949 & OHSAS-18001.

Asst.Manager - Human Resources
Jan 2009 to Oct 2011 
Company Profile : Renowned for manufacturing automobile parts for Honda, Hero Moto Corp, M&M, Maruti Suzuki.

Executive-Human Resources
May 2007 to Dec 2009 
Company Name : Sandhar Steady Stream Tooling Pvt. 

Job Profile:
Recruitment & Selection
Drafting Job description and in consultation with concerned Managers.
Sourcing from Job Portals, Headhunting, Internal and Personal references.
Posting the Jobs on for all units from top to bottom positions. Scanning and short listing the most suitable CVs for the position.
Conducting HR round of personal interview and short listing the candidates for final interview.Coordinate with business heads for final interview of the shortlisted candidates.
Negotiating Salary with selected candidates and discussing the terms & condition of employment with the Candidates.
Ensuring that Offer/ Appointment Letters are prepared and issued to the selected candidates.
Ensuring that proper Follow up of selected candidates happens till their joining.

Originating Human Resources practices to provide an employee-oriented, high performance culture that emphasizes empowerment, quality, productivity-standards, goal attainment, recruitment and ongoing development of a superior workforce

Training and Development
Carrying out training needs analysis-Identifying the skill gap, assessing training needs. Scheduling OJT & CRT annual training calendar based on skill matrix & competency mapping.
Working in co-ordination for OJT training to meet with monthly man-hour training targets.
Conduct the CRT Training Program to create awareness of the Organization Policies and Process among the Employees.
Schedule the CRT training program based on annual training calendar.
Streamlined structured training system at adjacent plant to the Unit for staff and workers.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of training program.Training feedback from participants, preparing Regular training Module/ maintaining training records. 

Monthly HR MIS
Handling Departmental Development, Human Resource Management Information Systems (HRMIS) 
Preparation of Monthly HR MIS on monthly basis which is based on targets and to identify the performance level and the adherence of Business plan.It includes Head Counts, Absenteeism, New Recruitment, Left Employees, Internal Training, External Training ,Kaizen,Quality Circles& Employees engagement activity

Performance Appraisal
Coordinating to design the Appraisal Program of “Performance Appraisal.”
Circulation of Performance Appraisal forms to all Appraisers, Collection of forms from the Appraisers, Analysis of Performance Appraisal data’s to identify training needs, strength and weaknesses for career development of each employee.
Identify Performance Rating problems & their Solutions.
Rating & Evaluating the Employees Performance.

Quality circle
Coordinating to prepare Organizational Structure of “Quality Circle”.
Coordinating & conducting a steering Committee of Quality Circle on monthly basis.
Identify the problem, Selection, & Generate alterative solution of Quality Circles by utilizing 12 steps of QC Tools.

Employee Engagement activities
Monthly Birthday Celebration & Marriage Anniversary celebration of the employees to maintain healthy work environment and facilitating Employee Satisfaction Survey.
Annual Day Celebration & Quality Month Celebration.
Kaizen Activity to engage every employee of the organization.

CSR Activity
CSR activities implementation at all levels of the company 

Training Attended
Kaizen , ISO-14001 , TS-16949 , OHSAS , Customer Delight , Quality Circle

Industrial Training
Organization : Grant Thornton India, Delhi
Title : Training Needs Identification
Duration : Eight Weeks

Extramural Activities
Secured first position in Inter School Solo Dancing Competition.
Organized & participated in various cultural events, at school and college level.

Future Goals

In quest of challenging opportunities in Human Resource Management as a Generalist
with an organization of repute

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