BE in Mech. Eng From BITE
UG NX-9version. 3D design software (Hands on mould design)
AutoCAD -2012 .
Knowledge of all windows based software like Microsoft excel, power point, word, etc.
Manager - Tool Room
Since Jul 2018
Company Profile: Manufacturer of high precision injection molded plastic components, subassemblies & assemblies for various OEM requirements.
Dy Manager - Tool Room
Sep 2015 to June 2018.
Company Profile : Leading manufacturer of broad range of Wiring Harnesses, Switches,Battery Cables, Wiring Sets, Connectors, Terminals & Cup Holder Project for swift desire.
Asst. Manager - Design and Development
March 2014 to Sep 2015
Company Name : SKH Technologies.
Company Profile : Manufacturer of Press Tools up to 800 Tons, Plastic Injection Moulds up to 1600 Tons & Die Casting Dies up to 1000 Tons .
Engineer - Toolroom and Design Development
July 2008 to March 2014
Company Name : Viney Corporation Ltd.
Company Profile : Manufacturing of All types of Wiring Harness for all Leading Automotive 4 wheeler & 2 wheeler manufacturer like Honda, Hyundai, Hero Honda, Bajaj Auto etc. Manufacturing of all types of connector, terminals & wiring Harness.
Engineer Tool Room.
June 2004 to June 2008.
Company Name : Sumi Motherson Innovative Eng. Ltd.
Company Profile : Manufacturing of various Types of injection moulds like multi-cavity moulds, fully hot runner moulds,thermoset injection moulds & customer Specific moulds supplying to various Automotive customer (NISSAN, GM, SCHNIDER etc.)
Jr.Engineer Tool Room
Dec 2003 to June 2004.
Company Name : Manufacturer of plastic Eng. Components for Injection moulding, supplying to major CFL Assembly Industry.
Job Profile :
Tool Room
The plants are equipped with various post molding facilities viz., hot stamping, ultrasonic welding, Vibration Welding, vacuum metalizing, pad printing, Screen printing, Painting, hot foiling, Laser Marking, manual assembly lines, semi-auto assembly lines and fully automated assembly lines & other post molding services.
Job Profile:
Heading tool room with all responsibilities
Design all types of injection moulds as per component requirement.
Fine tuning of Injection moulds and submission samples on time.
Preventive maintenance execution to reduce no. of breakdowns.
Efficiency improvement of tool room department through analysing the root cause
Customer Review Meeting, Internal Review Meeting.
Trials & New product Development.
Mould Design Expertise
Design concept finalization of critical plastic injection moulds.
New concept design as per requirement from customer.
Reverse Eng. of Existing product for cost reduction of parts.
Finalization of product manufacturing processes of plastic parts.
Product approval &design Changes after approval ECN implementation.
Implement Poka Yoke for mistake proofing in existing & new products.
Mould costing finalization with customer & evaluating in-house costing.
Facility planning for specific requirement of products.
Design & development review/verification/ validation.
Significant Exposure:-
Proficiency in all Tool Room Machines including Conventional & CNC.
Proficiency in Mould assembly work on bench & Mould trial.
Awareness of Japanese working Systems Like 5S, (Quality Circle, Why-why analysis,)
Completed 4 Projects in Q.C. Circle & win award In Inter unit competition.Wish to work in dynamic and stimulating organization with stimulating colleagues, where I can use my Toolroom & Mould Design. Capabilities to achieve the organization goal and to grow personally and professionally
Wish to work in dynamic and stimulating organization with stimulating colleagues, where I can use my Toolroom & Mould Design. Capabilities to achieve the organization goal and to grow personally and professionally
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