Ref. No. : CA - 8209 - (General Office Administration Staff – with 31.5 years in Plastic Industry)



Skill Sets

Comprehensive knowledge of the Labour Laws, Excise Low & Sales Tax Laws. tilized in an industry operation.
Intermediate knowledge of basic management principles and practices utilized in an industry operation.
Intermediate knowledge of general supervision techniques, training, and evaluation of staff.
Ability to plan, assign, and direct the work of others.
Ability to prepare time and material estimates, and maintain records.
Ability to analyze production problems and recommend improved techniques and procedures.
Ability to organize and direct the training of offenders.
Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with co-workers, offenders, customers, and others.

Work Experience

Factory Manager (Comm. & Admn.)
Since Nov. 2003
Company Profile: Design and construction of wide range of mechanical draught cooling towers
Responsibilities :
Factory Accounts .- Petty cash, stores inventory, sales, purchase. factory administration, Handel legal authority
Excise up to ER-1/ Audit/Internal & Cera
Export documentation of export goods & submission of Refund & Prrof Export document. HANDLING Excise Authority independently.
Service Tax up to ST-3/ Audit/ internal & cera
Sales Tax & Assessments- VAT Audit, VAT Return, Handling Sales tax Authority Independently.
P.F. Records maintain.
ESIC Records maintain
Proff. Tax Records maintain
Factory act Records maintain.
Labour welfare Funds Records maintain
Dispatched & Records maintain
Salary & wages Records maintain
Govt. Lisoning works.
Production Planning’s.
Raw material planning’s.
Man power managements. Like utilization & trainings etc.
ISO Documentation for production & stores.
Cash handlings.
Daily Report to CEO at Head office.
All type of Banking works.

Commercial Officer
From Feb. 1998 - Nov. 2003

Office Incharge
From May. 1993 - Jan. 1998
Gujarat Axles & Forgings Pvt. Ltd

Job Profile:
Liaison with labour & other local authorities for smooth functioning of the organization.
Enforcing discipline & responsible for a productive culture & Industrial harmony.
Orientation to labour development activities.
Handling all IR related issues, monitoring employee database, maintaining & keep updating the same.
Joining formalities & induction of new candidates.
Communication & coordination with other departments.
Employee welfare & safety activities.
Payroll administration and recruitment across all levels,
Payroll, Attendance; Time office activity.
Preparing Letters for Appointment, Confirmation, etc.
Maintain Files/Records;
Arrange Get-Together, Picnics, Indoor games, etc.
Give inputs for new policies for the company in the areas of Personnel & IR and effective implementation for maintaining and improving harmonious employee relations.
Liaison with labour & other local authorities for smooth functioning of the organization.
Through knowledge of legal & statutory compliances (PF, ESI & Gratuity, Labour law, Factory Act etc.)
House-keeping, Admin;
Good exposer in handling all IR related issues, monitoring employee database, maintaining & keep updating the same.
Good exposer in handling all Excise, Sales Tax related issues, monitoring all records data based maintaining & keep updating the same.
Through knowledge of legal & statutory compliances (Excise, Sales Tax, Customs Law & Act etc.
Handling Logistic Department & Inventory.

Future Goals

To work in such a challenging environment where I can make best use of skill and develop my career particularly in the field of Finance/ IR/ADMIN/ commercial operation.

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