Ref. No. : CA - 4822 - (Designer & Product Developer – with 20.3 years in Plastic Industry)


Post Graduation, I.I.T. Bombay I.I.T. Bombay Structural Engineering in 2007, with 7.01/10
Graduation Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag B.I.T. Sindri, Dhanbad, (Jharkhand) Civil Engineering in 2005 with 72.19%
Intermediate B.I.E.C. Patna D.S. College Katihar (Bihar) Science (Mathematics) in 1997 with 60%
Matriculation B.S.E.B, Patna S.D.Roy High School, Mahathwa, Araria (Bihar), in 1995 with 68

Skill Sets

Programming Languages: FORTRAN, MATLAB.
Packages: ANSYS, STAAD-Pro, MS Office, ORIGIN, AutoCAD, D-Plot.
Operating System: Windows

Work Experience

Designation - Assistant Manager (Design)
(Sep-07 to Onward)
Duties and Responsibilities
Design and Proof checking of various bridges (Railways and Highways).

M.Tech Project (May 2006 to July 2007) under the guidance of Prof. Tarun Kant.
Project Title: A Finite Element-Numerical Integration Technique for Elastic Plates.
Developed a partial finite element formulation for Reissner-Mindlin plate using weighted residual approach for two-noded elements.
Integrated numerically a set of coupled linear ordinary differential equation by segmentation method.
Compared the numerical results of examples for various boundary conditions with available results. Comparison was also made with results
using software ANSYS.

M.Tech Seminar (Aug-05 to Nov-05)
Seminar Title: Mechanics of Thin Walled Structures.
Made comparison between the assumptions made in mechanics of solid and that in thin walled structures.
Aided with solution of numerical examples.
M.Tech Course Project
Design of G+7 RCC Building using Software ANSYS.
Reliability analysis of River and Reservoir Modeling using basic
concepts of Reliability Analysis and Probabilistic Methods.
Truss analysis-using software STAAD for applying concept of symmetry and anti-symmetry.
Some M.Tech Courses
Advanced Solid Mechanics Advanced Structural Mechanics Structural Dynamics
Numerical Method Plastic Analysis Structural Reliability
Finite Element Method Structural Stability Earthquake Engineering Structural Design Plates and shells

B.E. Project (August-04 to April-05) under the guidance of Prof. Shyam Kishor Kumar
Project Title: A study of Compressive and Tensile strength of Fiber Reinforced Concrete.
The Strength parameters of concrete were tested for varying fiber volume fraction.
Made comparison for the test results for plain concrete and Fiber reinforced concrete by casting both cubical and cylindrical block specimens.

B.E. Course Project
Design of 5 storied RCC building using software STAAD.
Design and Estimation of RCC Residential Building.
Detailed planning, design, Estimation and Costing of a Silo and Bunker.
Design and Estimation of Gantry Girder (Steel Structures).
Vocational Training (from 24/05/2004 to 30/06/2004) after B.E. 3rd year
At Foundry and Forge Plant, (Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd., Ranchi)
Environmental assessment and process flow study of Phenol Treatment Plant
Design of protection against collapse of earth/structure during
excavation of foundation for Electro-Hydraulic-fettling equipment.
Assessment of Salient features of Hatia Water works.

Some B.E. Courses
Structural Analysis Structural design (R.C.C & Steel) Concrete Structure
Structural Mechanics Construction, Planning & Management Mechanics of Solid
Computational Technology Engineering Mechanics Building Science
Prestressed Concrete Soil and Foundation Engineering Transportation Engg.

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