Pursuing MBA From Sikkim Manipal University
Post Graduate Diploma in Plastic Testing & Processing Technology From CIPET, Ahmedabad in 2001
M.Sc. with Chemistry From B.S.B.A.University, Muzaffarpur in 1999
B.Sc. with Chemistry (Hons)From B.S.B.A. University, Muzaffarpur in 1998 with 68%
MS.DOS and Windows 98 & 2003 with XP and MS Office etc
Handling Customer technical services in Domestic & overseas customer independently
Trouble shooting in PET Manufacturing and its effect in End processing for all Grades of Bottle Grade PET Resin.
Plastic processing (PET), Plastic testing, Polymer Science and plastic material, Injection machine, mold & Utilities maintenance, CP & SSP
Dy. Manager
Since Dec 2008
Company Profile: Leading manufacturer of PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) Resin. having different grades like: 19C, 19CF, 20C, 21C, 21CF, 22CJ, 20HF, 25H, APB, & JB etc.
Job Profile:
Reporting to Q.C & P.C Head (AVP) / Plant head / Marketing Head / MD.
To see the customer complaints (independently) regarding PET material and the Processing m/c in India and aboard. Actively involve in Customer Development also
Resolved customer Complaints technically (Solved 100% customer Are:
Blowing rejections in 20 Liter jar grade preform at
General plastic, Biratnagar, Nepal. Problem solved.
Yellowish preforms in 20C material at Crescent
Complaints, few examples Polymer, Palakkad, India.
Problem solved.
Preform blowing problem in 20 Liter Jar grade pre format Zia & Sons water & food industries, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Problem solved.
Processing problem due to Defect cut chips at Jeevan Polymer. Problem solved.
Stress crack issue at Kandhari Beverages pvt, ltd, Problem solved. Etc.
Preform haziness problem in AS19C & AS21C material made preforms. Problem solved.
To satisfy the customer regarding the processing of different grades of Bottle Grades PET resin:
conducted trials successfully with different grades of material.
Trials with AS21C at Abdul Monen ltd (Coca cola),
Dhaka, Bangladesh. Trials with AS22CJ (Jar grade material) at Aditya Polypet.
Trials with our new Barrier grade resin (APB) in
Precence of M&G itely persons at Varun Beverages Test report was ok; this was sent by M & G.
APB (barrier resin) prefom blowing trials at ATC
Trials with AS22CJ material for 22lt jar at Shiv
Ganesh Delhi, India in Single stage ASB machine. This ASB machine is equipped with Two cavities mold and during trials observed that one Cavity bottle was ok but other cavity bottle has hazy appearance, observed the problems and rectified it. As customer information even ASB machine person couldn’t solve this problem.
Given valuable suggestions to one Australian customer regarding down stream processing of Barrier resin APB
Customer developed:
Developed new customers also, few examples are:
Fortune PET
Starlin plast
Asha Packaging Etc.
R&D and Trial run:
I am responsible for the trial performance of new Plant & old plant PET resin. Machine handled: ASB 50MB (Single stage used for 28gms performs of 1lt bottle), Electronica injection molding, SBR blow molding & Twin extruder machine. I successfully established this new plant & existing plant material in the market by giving successful trials and support to the customer. I was involved in the erection all kind of machines for R&D and trial purposes. I am also responsible for the total maintenance & processing activities of these machines as a section in charge
Production Manager
July 2007 to Nov 2008
Company Profile: Manufacturer of industrial aerosol cans & printed cans.
Job Profile:
To see the production & quality aspects
Machine handled: Kraussmaffi injection molding
Machine for preform making. we used here 48 cavity
mold for 27gms and 48gms preforms
Sr.Production Engineer
Feb 2005 to June 2007
Company Name: Pearl Drinks Ltd.
Job Profile:
To see total Production & Quality Activity
Machine handled: Husky (HYPET 225) with cool-pik.
We Used here 48 cavities mold for manufacturing of 22gms Perform (Alaska neck), 27.7gms, 52g performs
Utilities Super chiller system having 70TR capacity
Chicago Pneumatics having capacity of 10kg/cm2.
Production Engineer
Sep 2003 to Feb 2005
Company Name: Vishal Beverages (P) Ltd.
Company Profile: it is an ISO-9001:2000 certified Industry.
Job Profile:
(Plant) Independent shift handling
Machine handled: HUSKY (GL300) machine: we used here 48 cavity mold for manufacturing of 24gm, 27.7 gms 42 gms & 48 gms preforms.
UTILITIES Bizzler water chiller having capacity 2, 10,000 Kcal/hrs. It includes Ground Foss pumps
Atlas Capco air compressor having capacity10 Kg/cm2.
Shift Engineer - Production and Q.C. In charge
Sep 2001 to Aug 2003
Company Name: Varun Beverages Limited
Job Profile:
Machine handled: Husky (LX300) Husky (GL300) with cooljet and SPC control. Husky machine is one of the best machine for preform making .We used here 48 cavity mold for manufacturing of 53.6gms, 48gms, 27.7gms, 25gms, 28.6gms, & 44gms preforms LAB instrument GC (Gas chromatograph) used for measuring AA content of preform and Resin. MV (meltviscometer) used for measuring IV of preform and Resin Magna
mike (8500) used for measuring thickness of Prefrom.
Super water chiller.
Air comp from Chicago Pneumatics.
Project Works:
I was involved in Erection of HUSKY (Canada made )
Injection molding machine having different models Like:
Husky (LX300)
Husky (GL300) with cooljet &
Husky (GL300) with cooljet & SPC.
And also involved in erection of one the best LAB of Preform testing having GC for AA testing and MV
For IV testing in Varun Beverages Limited, kosi Kalan Mathura (U.P.)
I also involved in erection of HUSKY m/c (Canada-made) in Vishal beverages pvt.limited, laxmibai Nagar Indore (M.P.)
I also involved in erection of HUSKY (HYPET 225)
M/c in Pearl drinks ltd.Baribrahmna, Jammu
Special Creativity: I was involved in maintenance of Hot Runner Mold of different sizes like 53.6gm, 44gm, 24gm 25gm, 27.7gm, 48gm etc. all are from Husky & MHT and 28.6gms from Electraform
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