Post Graduate Diploma in Plastic Processing Technology, CIPET, Lucknow in 1998.
Diploma in Computer Application And System Management, Unimact (AIMA), Varanasi in 1996.
B.Sc. From H.C. P.G. College, Varanasi, in 1994
Twelve years of operational experience in continuous and Mass production of PET Blow moulding to produce performs, bottles and Jars in various neck size and weight.
Experience of new plant erection, commissioning of PET production unit and streamline the workflow to achieve the targeted and uninterrupted production.
Planning, scheduling and execution of Preventive Maintenance of Machines and Moulds.
Handle the projects for installation and execution of blade production line in stipulated time line.
Manpower, material and cost planning for all installation projects.
Active involvement and control for Quality, ISO, 5S, Kaizen, Safety & environment and cost saving initiatives.
Working knowledge of MS-Office, Outlook Express, Internet And Ramco Erp System.
Astt. Manager (IC)
Reporting: Plant Head
Since Feb’ 2011
Company Profile: Leading wind turbine supplier
Job Profile:
Lead the team and successfully executed the installation projects for all variants of moulds within the stipulated timeline.
Coordinated the R&D team to resolve the quality issues related to moulds.
Provided the feedback to mould manufacturing and EMT department as a part of continual improvement.
Cost and manpower reduction by proper manpower allocation.
Active participation for improving the process and eliminating the waste
AM (Production).
Reporting: Plant & Technical Head
May’ 2010 to Jan’ 2011
Company Profile: Manufacturer PET bottles, HDPE cap, Seal
Job Profile:
Involved in new plant commissioned for the Machines and Accessories to start commercial production of PET products within six months from plant construction.
Key role in execution of various departments functioning to stream line the production flow.
Continual improvement and vendor development for cost effective spares.
Production Executive.
Reporting: Chief Manager (Operations)
July 2004 to May 2010
Pearl Polymers Ltd, (Karnataka & Uttarakhand)
Job Profile:
Successfully executed and smoothen the production activity for 14 production lines, as the opportunity assigned for upcoming new plant.
Commissioning of different machines in targeted time frame for continuous production.
Efficiently control of production in full swing and with full capacity within two years from the plant start-up.
Manage for ISO documentation, MIS, ERP system, inventory control and cost savings.
Handled the added assignment for maintenance department for Preventive and BD maint.
Shift In charge.
Reporting: Production Manager
Feb. 2002 - June 2004
Innovative Tech Pack Ltd Sohana (HR)
Job Profile:
Handling the shift independently for controlling the smooth and quality production.
Resolving technical and quality issues in the shift, manpower control and allocation.
Achiving the production target, reducing the rejection and proper machine efficiency utilization.
Proper utilisation of recycled material without affecting the quality.
Trainee Engineer - Reporting: Shift Incharge
Aug 1998 to Jan 2002
Pearl Polymers Ltd
Job Profile:
Recruited as Trainee and after successfully completion of training promoted as Sr. Officer.
Active supported for uninterrupted production at the time of workers strike.
Active participation for preventive and scheduled machine maintenance.
Machine Exposer:
ASB –JAPAN, SIDEL-SBO-2-FRANCE, Single and Two stage blow molding machines.
JONWAI, WELTECK, ELECTRONICA AND L & T injection moulding machines.
Seeking an assignment as a leading role in plastic processing and as a technical Support in growth oriented plastic industry.
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