Ref. No. : CA - 7350 - (Production – with 20.1 years in Plastic Industry)


B.Tech in Polymer Technology From Chennai

Skill Sets

Production & Quality Assurance Department

Work Experience

Production Manager & Management Representative
Since Oct. 2007
Company Profile: Leading manufacturer of Injection, blow molding Products with high capacity molding machine. (Like as Chair, Tray, SWM and Auto mobile components)
Key responsibilities:
Responsible for Production Planning & Control in injection and Blow molding
Responsible for Producing Quality Oriented Product with maximum output.
Responsible to ensure effective and smooth functioning of both Q.A & Q.C function.
Responsible for Trouble shooting & Maintenance and Raw material procurement.
Responsible for effective implementation of product certification to National & bInternational STDs (ARAI).
Responsible to maintain the implementation and make auditing of ISO: 9001 and TS: 16949 quality management system STDs. (MR)
Responsible for upgrading the skills of employees through proper training.
Responsible for erection and monitoring
Responsible for developing PPAP, APQP, FMEA, New product Development, MSA and SPC.

Production Supervisor
From May 2004 To July 2005
AVM Polymers, Thoothukudi.
Key Responsibilities:
Responsible for Production Planning & Control.
Responsible for Producing Quality oriented Product with maximum output.
Responsible to ensure effective and smooth functioning of both Q.A & Q.C function.
Responsible for Trouble shooting & Maintenance.
Responsible for upgrading the skills of employees through proper training.

Quality Assurance Inspector
From September 2005 to Sep 2007
National Plastics & Building Materials Industries, Sharjah, U.A.E,
Key responsibilities:
Responsible for Production Planning & Control in injection molding and extrusion molding.
Responsible for Producing Quality Oriented Product with maximum output.
Responsible to ensure effective and smooth functioning of both Q.A & Q.C function.
Responsible for Trouble shooting & Maintenance.
Responsible for effective implementation of product certification to National & International STDs (such as ISO, DIN, BS, BSEN, ASTM & AS And also know about kite mark).
Responsible to maintain the implementation of ISO: 9001 quality system STDs.
Responsible for upgrading the skills of employees through proper training

Undergone one week training on “Plastics Processing and Testing” in CIPET, My sore.
Undergone two weeks training on “Manufacturing and testing of rubber products” in Rubber Research Institute (RRI), Kottayam, Kerala, India.
Undergone one year training on “Entrepreneurship Development Program”. Conducted by Center for Entrepreneurship development (CED), Tamilnadu.
Undergone three days training on “Feel Employable” conducted by College for Leadership and Human Resource Development (CLHRD), Mangalore.
Undergone three days training on “Internal auditor” in BSI, Chennai, for ISO/TS: 16949:2002 Stds.

Machineries Handled:
Injection Moulding Technique
SLM Maniklal Injection Molding Machine.
Short Capacity - 300 c.c.
Technology – Toshiba Japan
Boolani Injection Molding Machine.
Short Capacity 60 Gms.
Windsor Injection Molding Machine.
Model SP12, SP24.
Rabit Microprocessor Injection Molding m/c
Short Capacity – 1.5 gm
Technology – UK
Fu-Chen Injection molding machine
Model: KT – 75, 140, 320
Haitian Molding machine, China
Model: HT-360, 380, 450, 470, 530, 650

Extrusion Technique
Axon Co-extruders.
Output – 5 kg/hr.
Technology – Sweden.
Specialty – 2 layer film for special packaging application.
Kolsite Blown Film Extruder.
Output: 30 - 40 kg/hr, LFW -600 mm and its downstream equipments for surface treatment, printing and bag making machine etc.
Polymake PVC pipe extruder machine.
Output – 50 – 60 kg/hr.
Cincinnati Milacron Twin Screw Extruder ( Output : 70 – 90 kg/hr.) and its down stream equipment to manufacture Polyethylene Pipe of size 16 mm-110mm .
Weber Twin screw extruder machine (Model: Weber 8.8 & 10.2 & Output – 350 – 600 kg/hr.) backed with compounding and other down stream equipments to manufacture UPVC Pipe from 20 – 400 mm & ½’’ –16 ‘’. Technology: Germany

Blow Moulding Technique:
Ahura blow molding machine (Automatic).
Capacity – 0.5 lt.
Kautex blow molding machine (Automatic).
Capacity – 2.5 lts.
Windsor Blow molding machine(Automatic)
Capacity: 2 lts
Rana& Son Blow molding machine(Automatic)
Capacity: 5lts
Stretch Blow molding Technique

Testing Machineries
Lloyd Tensile Testing Machine (Electronic)
Model – Lloyd 5Tons, UK
Special Feature – Auto monitor of both Load and Extension.
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Machine that meets the requirements of short term, long term & burst pressure testing of PVC and Polyethylene pipe.
Falling Weight Impact Testing Machine meeting the requirements of BIS, ISO & ASTM standards.
VST [ Vicot Softening Temprature ] Machine
ESCR [Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance ] Testing Machine
EQUIPMENT for Testing of Bulk Density of (Raw Materials, Fillers, Compounds and Manufacture Products).
EQUIPMENT for measuring Critical dimensions of manufactured Product by Using Digital Vernier, Bore – gauge, micrometer, calipers, PI – Tape, and ultrasonic Thickness Micrometer.

Future Goals

General Manager in Plastic Industries

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