Ref. No. : CA - 11871 - (Purchase – with 16.8 years in Plastic Industry)


BSc (Computers) from Pune University in 2006 with 65% marks
HSC from Pune University in 2001 with 47.33% marks.
SSC from Pune University in 1999 with 52.66% marks.

Skill Sets

Technical skills
Environment - Windows98 /2000 /XP
Languages - C, C++, JAVA, LOGO, BASIC
Databases - Oracle SQL
Additional Skills - MS Office / Surfing the Internet Can Install the Software’s

Work Experience

Purchase & Supply Chain Manager
Since 2009
Company Profile: Manufacturer of Electrical Components by thermoplastic Injection moulding i

Computer Teacher
From 2006 to 2008
New English School

Job Profile:
In Purchase Management:-
Incharge of Overall activities of Purchase department.
Setting of weekly, monthly, quarterly procurement plan.
Development of alternative local sources for imported raw materials which help in cost saving.
Purchasing Machine with improved technology to increase production.
Planning & budgeting of purchase functions, involving cost estimation, contract negotiations.
Collecting Quotations from various vendors & negotiating the prices & other terms conditions, & study by preparing chart of comparison.
Create & study the Costing till finalization of product.
Liaison with the Production department to maintain optimum inventory & with Finance department for timely payment of bills.
Implementing systems to avoid situation like over-stocking or out-of-stock which cause production & financial losses.
Developing reports on procurement & usage of material for top management.
High levels of integrity & professionalism in transactions & conduct with suppliers.
Preparation & execution of Purchase Order to supplier through e-mail or courier & ensure availability of material in time.
Interaction & Coordinating with production planning & various department to meet customer requirements.
Managing Logistics function, negotiating with transporters & clearing agent for cost effective transport solution & clearances.
In case any rejection materials from stores interaction with Quality control department get report & send back to vendors.
Ensure the rate, quantity, quality as per the PO from related department after receipt of material.
Ensuring raw materials scheduling, Systems Adherence & Vendor Perfomance monitoring / delivery.

In Vendor Development:-
Effective management of Vendor database.
Classification of Vendors on basis of criteria like cost, quality, timely delivery etc.
Development of new Vendors.
Evaluating Vendors & negotiating the price, delivery schedule, terms & conditions with them.
Timely clearance of Payments & handling Vendor enquiries.
Evaluating Vendor Performance based on PQD (Product, Quality, Delivery) for higher quality of services from vendor.

In Administration :-
Office Facilities & Development
Eye on Day today work of Office management
Updation of Day today Attendance of Employee
Monthly Salary Sheet Prepare
Excise Work:- RG1, CENVAT, Service Tax & PLA

Developed couple of new vendors for the regular Insert by 45% reduction in cost, with good credit period & quality with timely delivery & saved 10.8Lakh /annum.
Replaced manual Riveting work by developing fixture which increased 60% of the Dispatch-Sale Qty with Quality, minimum job work & labor thus reflected in growth of Sales Figure with optimum inventory.
Reviewed old vendors supplying crucial raw materials by effective management of database, which saved time in looking out for new vendors & without any shortage prodn was continued.
Procured a Buffing Machine which helped to control the Rejection from Production which saved min 12Lakh/annum

Future Goals

To Grow in Purchase, Planning, Vendor development field and be one of participant in contribute in the success and growth of Organization globally.

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