Ref. No. : CA - 5095 - (Quality – with 30.4 years in Plastic Industry)


B.Sc. Chemistry 1994 70.00 Pune University
H. S. C. 1991 60.80 Pune Divisional Board.
S. S. C. 1988 55.14 Pune Divisional Board

Computer Knowledge :
Operating System Windows 95/98/XP
Software handled Oracle, MS Word, MS Excel, Power point, Outlook Express, Eudora, Fox pro, Internet etc.

Skill Sets

Quality Assurance.

Work Experience

Manager ( Q.A.) & MR
Dec.2006 to till date
Company Profile : State of the art facility in the PET business. Product includes wide mouth containers in a large range of jars from 150ml to 6 liters and bottles in volume from 30 ml to 1 liter and PET preforms.
Job Profile
To ensure the quality of incoming material, in-process material and finish product of Injection and Blow molding process in co-ordination with Quality Inspectors, Production Department and GM.
To prepare samples for workers and inspectors for display during online packing.
To do the analysis of internal as well as customer complaint to minimize the customer complaint and rejection level.
To monitor information related to customer perception, to obtain customers feedback and analyze customers satisfaction and to ensure awareness of customer requirements through the organization..
To analyze the trends and characteristics of processes and to analyze opportunities for preventive action.
To prepare the test certificate / certificate of analysis as per enquiry of customer through marketing / dispatch department.
To ensure control on monitoring and measuring devices.
To maintain housekeeping by doing housekeeping audits.
To prepare quality manual / procedure manual / departmental manual with help of consultant and H.O.D.
To implement and maintain the QMS ISO 9001:2000 and to do follow-up with all related departments regarding ISO.
To co-ordinate with consultant and certifying body related to quality management system.
To conduct the internal quality audits and management review meetings at scheduled intervals.

Senior Executive ( Q.A.)
May 1995 to Nov. 2006
Woked with Caprihans India Limited.
Company Profile
Caprihans India Ltd. an ISO 9001 company is a member of INEOS group of companies, having the operations in India and across the globe. Caprihans is mainly manufacturing PVC, PVDC films, Multi polymer Extruded sheets, HCB & PVC foam board sheets.
With a view to achieve operational efficiency in the areas of Finance, Commercial. Production and Dispatches through their branches spread all over India, Caprihans had taken up the project and implemented ERP system. It has undertaken this project to harmonize the business processes across the operating factories and implement the oracle application version 11i. In the current version 11i a generic solution centralizing all the transaction processing on a single instance is designed and rolled over all the subsidiaries in the future is planned, with necessary changes.
Job Profile
Physically involved in ( ERP ) development of Product Development, Quality and Production modules, which are directly connected on Oracle database on Linux platform. Did the setups for the same modules and assigned the responsibilities to users.
Handling ISO 9001: 2000 Q. M. S. being Asst. M.R. and Trained internal auditor.
From audits and M.R.M. reviewing the non-conformances of system, process and quality. Finding the root causes by analysis, then planning/suggesting corrective & preventive actions.
Impart training to Employees of Caprihans Nashik and Thane factory on various subjects like ISO Awareness, Process Validation, Train the trainer, SHE (12 golden rules Effective communication, Team building, Housekeeping and self development.
Impart on job training regarding all quality testing at various stations like R & D, Incoming R/M lab., In process quality at Extruder, Calender & PVDC plants, Finish product lab. Etc.
R & D Lab. development of new shades / colours and applications,
R.M. Lab. testing of all types of packaging & raw materials by using various test methods and sophisticated equipments.
F.P. Lab. testing of calendaring, Extrusion and PVDC products with accuracy in results in short time.
P.Q.C. Online or in process quality control at calendar and extrusion units, keeping watch on in process product to maintain good quality by making quick and good decisions.
Also doing customer complaint and rejection analysis to find out root causes and plan & take corrective & preventive ac

Future Goals

Seeking to join an organization within which I can significantly contribute the companies goal, growth, and profitability; by using my creativity, intellectual & technical skills, self directed, self motivated confident and result oriented professional with the ability to guide and motivate associates to achieve their maximum potential.

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