Ref. No. : CA - 17379 - (Quality - Injection Moulding – with 19.1 years in Plastic Industry)


Diploma In Mechanical Engineering From Smt. L.V. (Govt) Polytechnic in 2005 With 71%

Skill Sets


Work Experience

Asst. Manager
Since Jul 2010
Company Profile: Manufacturers of exterior rear view mirrors, Wiring harness & manufacturing of plastic moulded, painted and their assemblies 
Job Profile:
Responsible for conducting shift start meetings in moulding QA activities to ensure QCDMSE parameters
Responsible for leading the team in injection moulding Quality to monitor product & process quality requirements & ensure to take appropriate actions to meet the product & process specifications
Key responsible to monitor process quality through Process audit & monitoring of critical parameters that affect final product.
Checking of process characteristics such as 4 M conditions, Specific product characteristics , molding process characteristics ( Injection temp, injection speed, injection position Holding pressure, holding time & holding speed , cushion, mold temp, HRTC temp, MTC temp & Barrel temp) ,Assembly standardized work practice , one piece flow , molded parts welding process requirements
Initiate line balancing activity in injection moulding with help of TPS tools ( Andon, Cycle time, talk time, filling up system, flexible manpower line, Genchi , Gembastu, Jidoka, JIT, Jishuken, Kaizen, Levelled production, Muda, Mura, Muri, Multi process handling, Multi machine handling, Multi skill development, One piece flow, POKA YOKE , pull system , standardized work , & Standard in process stock)
Taken lead in weak point management and RYOHIN JOKEN activities to ensure good relationship and mutual respect between top management and members.
Calibration: Organizing plan for calibration & performing it on time, to ensure accuracy of inspection, Measuring & test equipment’s certified at all times. To provide a system of calibration for all the instruments & gauges used for inspection, measuring & testing.
Quality Control Tools: Select, construct, apply, and interpret tools such as flowcharts, Pareto charts, cause and effect diagrams, control charts, check sheets.
Maintaining all operations as per standardized work, and performing audit against standardized work to ensure standardise work practice in place & to improve further
Coordinating with dept head / manufacturing head to resolve issues in production activities with the help of QC tools & techniques & problem solving techniques
Developing Quality Management System, & performing internal audits across mate units against ISO 9001:2008 , TS 16949: 2009 , EMS 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 requirements
Continuous Improvement Techniques: kaizen, plan-do-check-act (PDCA) & Quality circle activities.
To conduct SPC studies and analyze & interrupt the data through statistical processes
Conducting Measurement system & analyze the data through variable & attribute studies
Reviewing of Quality Objectives of the Department from time to time
Core tools deployed in support of the QMS: like APQP, PPAP, FMEA SPC & MSA
Leading Training centre (GURUKUL) for Human Resources development with basics of shop floor training, FMDS, TM/TL/GL role training & during new project launch
Ensuring 7 major missions of organization (Quality, Cost, Delivery, Development, Safety, Environment, and Management) to achieve Group vision.
Shop floor visualisation done for daily abnormality management (Main KPI, Sub KPI, Process KPI).
Cost reduction through Value added & Value Engineering activities.
Developing and implementing Quality Plans to have better control over the product & process performance & Coordinating with process quality teams for product clearance to next process
Analysing the problems through problems solving approach in injection moulding & to perform daily check on effective implementation of counter measure related to customer & internal defects
5S improvements in shop floor through week point management, Normal & abnormal situation identification & 5 S periodic audits, & by taking corrective actions for the same.
Checking of Product characteristics such as fit & function check of molded parts through Checking fixture, Visual appearance
Responsible for leading the team in molding parts inspection team to reduce outflow rejection to quality gate, immediate customer & PDI
Achieving cost of poor quality target (COPQ)
Actively participate in simultaneous engineering with customer , design reviews , product development , process development, tool trials, too buyoffs, internal trials & LVPT & HVPT activities
Customer Relations: Handled various customer like Toyota , Continental & TKAP in new product development phase & regular production

Jul 2005 to Jul 2010
Company Profile: Manufactures high precision tools and custom moulded engineering plastics

Managerial Abilities
Taken lead in implementing  ISO / TS 16949: 2009, EMS & OHSAS requirement  in all new setups across Mate Group in India (Integrated Management systems)
TPM drive in Mate Bangalore to Improve OEE, Quality & to reduce cost 
Proficient in core tools  - APQP, PPAP, FMEA, SPC & MSA
Certified auditor for VDA 6.3 process audit systems from Continental
Certified from lead auditor to perform IMS audit across all Mate units 
Certified to perform dept. Specific audit in moulding, New product development, maintenance & tooling dept’s
Trained on MMA systems from Mahindra & Mahindra to implement MSES requirements

Key Achievements/Projects:
Cycle time improvement through scientific study & automation implementation 
Lumps Material consumption reduction to reduce impact on environment 
Production efficiency improvement in 900T model machine 
Rejection reduction of molding defects Warpage, Short fill & Sink mark
TPM initiative – under implementation - 2 years project
Achieved best 5’S’ Group
Specific energy consumption reduction in moulding
KANBAN implementation in console front to reduce the inventory in FG & WIP area by implementing pull system
Established FMDS (Floor Management & Development System) initially at QIC area, then horizontally deployed in moulding area 
Established Human control board thoroughly at shop floor for Manpower Handling.
Established 4M Weak Point Change Management Board thoroughly at shop floor

Future Goals

A leader and strong technical resource who quickly, effectively and permanently resolves quality issues with internal/external customers and suppliers.

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