Ref. No. : CA - 6351 - (Marketing Sales Service - Plastics Products – with 21.4 years in Plastic Industry)


M.S. (Plastics Engineering) from UMASS Lowell, USA in 2003.
B.E. (Polymer Engineering) from M.I.T, Pune in 2001.

Skill Sets

Strategy Planning
Profit Centre Mgt.
Strategic Operations & Expansion

Business Development
Team Management
Key Account Management

Service Delivery
Estimation & Costing
Overall Governance

Work Experience

Manager, New Business Development
Since Jun’07
Presently working with leading construction company at Pune
Adeptly overseeing on an average 3/4 deals per year amounting to Rs. 5 Million per deal.
Effectively enhanced the customer base of the company.
Suggested several ventures and Rs. 5 Million proposed work is in pipeline.
Executed new construction work right from the inception phase and driving to completion.
Played a key role in merger of the existing leading Company with various companies for increasing capacity and decreasing overheads.
Major role in enhancement of business to Rs. 10 Million in just 2 years with another Rs. 15 Million job in the pipeline.
Spearheaded the successful merger of company into another small ventures resulting in overhead costs reduction and capacity increase.
Conceptualized service apartment concept to ameliorate the business by offering excellent and innovative services.
Established the process for daily progress report, pour card for tracking and controlling daily cement consumption, which contributed to 80% of material cost.
Obtained 2 construction projects on similar road to Talegaon thus, saving transportation cost and reducing overhead.

Member: Marketing and Business Development (Exports)
From Aug’04-Apr’07
TATA Auto Plastic Systems Ltd. (TACO IPD), Pune
Managed business development operations and added key clients like Faurecia, GM.
Merit of business transfer from newly acquired sick company based in Germany.
Devised standard quotation format to generate quotations to streamline the process along with time saving.
Represented the company at various technical shows, conferences.
Delivered company presentations and managed site visits for new clients.
Functioned as Team Member of Cost Saving Team.
Assisted in established strategic partnerships with industry leaders such as Daimler Chrysler, Auto Live, Volks Wagen, Wuinsh Windernger for TATA Auto Plastics.
Assisted in cost increase initiatives for TATA from Faurcia, France. Successfully achieved 14.6% pries hike, from Euro 4.1 percent of Airvent to Euro 4.7 percent of Airvent.
Involved in attaining order booking worth Rs. 300 Million.
Actively participated in business transfer from Germany based newly acquired TATA company to parent company in India. Key role in the transfer of business worth Rs. 70 Million.
Initiated the concept of sending the presentation indicating understanding of the proposal, background and assumptions along with standard quotation format to maximize the transparency. Appreciated by acting COO of the company for the same.
Complied the benchmark data and insisted on using benchmark data for proposals to increase accuracy of proposals and assured returns.
Merit of turning around a project showing loss by relocation of non functional business unit from the facility to sub vendor approved by OEM to decrease overheads, material wastage. Worked with Assembly Team for error proof assembly development to reduce rejection rate and saving approximately Rs. 5,00,000 / year.
Undertook initiative for a day self delivered parts to Belgium in order to maintain inventory level at warehouse to avoid problem of loosing Ford Q1 status.

Marketing and New Business Development Lead
Introtech USA Pvt. Ltd., Michigan
Successfully implemented Moldex 3d Software over Moldflow with minimum investment with assured returns.
Involved in metal to plastic conversion program for Harley Davidson tour pack.
Supported IT Team to develop internal Project Management System called Introtech Product Development Systems.

Future Goals

As an immediate goal is to horn my techno-commercials skills in order to handle senior level challanges in next 5 years.

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