Ref. No. : CA - 30546 - (Production - Extrusion Plastic Pipes – with 11.8 years in Plastic Industry)


Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering [BE] in 2007 - 2011 from Visveswaraya Technological University, Belgaum, India. St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore, India. with (72%)
Science [PCME] 2005 – 2007 from Karnataka Pre-University Board Canara Pre- University College, Mangalore, India. with (82%)
S. S. L. C from Canara Boys High School, Dongerkeri Mangalore. in 2005 with (88%)

Skill Sets

Overhauling & maintenance of Gear box, Centrifuge, Pulveriser & De-scaling of Barrel.
Handling of Personnel protective Equipments.

Work Experience

Manufacturing Engineer (Injection moulding / Extrusion)
From 01-09-2017 to till date.
Company profile- widest range of PVC, UPVC, and CPVC pipes for variety of market segments including building, agriculture, industrial

Job profile-
Handled Capex projects relating to Productivity improvement , Cost reduction, Manpower reduction, Capacity enhancement, Formulation optimization, Energy savings & Safety.
Handled Crunch IOT system for calculating O.E.E, rejection analysis, plant analysis & parameter analysis.
Reviewing as an internal auditor on IMS (ISO9001, ISO14001 & ISO45001).
Involved in Injection Moulding process & Extrusion process.
Prepared MRM,Plant Performance Indicator & Near miss identification/closure.
Handled FTIR , UV Spectrophotometer & other lab related equipment’s.
Reduced scrap wastage's & material handling loss from 2 to 1 % by implementing OCS.

Senior Executive (Protective Packaging Division , Production).
From 02/10/2016 to 18-08-2017.
Company profile- provide Plastic Chairs,Moulded plastic chairs

Job profile-
Involved in extrusion process of foam , ABF, rod & tube of different colour & dimension.
Ensured all the equipment, utility & tools are in good working order & available for use when required.
Monitored R.M stock, L.P.G consumption stock (Bullet tanks) & G.M.S injection through pump.
As per E.R.P monitored BOM & conducted material audit during month end.
Aware about safety measures to be taken while handling LPG storage area & Fire extinguisher

Position Manufacturing Engineer(Production)
Dates 02-05- 2013 to 15-08-2016.

Job profile-
Improving production throughput & optimizing equipment performance for daily operations.
Provided day to day technical support while monitoring & troubleshooting operations of production activities.
Monitored & Enforced work starts up, breakdowns & stop times of production.
Monitored M.F.I, Oil Absorption, Ash content, Bulk density, GPP &FPV of raw material.
Planned & carried out Preventive/Predictive maintenance of various equipment’s like Water pumps, Compressors, Motors, Blowers& Exhaust fans used in daily production operations.
Overhauling & maintenance of Gear box, Centrifuge, Pulveriser & De-scaling of Barrel.
Handling of Personnel protective Equipments.

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