Ref. No. : CA - 1312 - (R&D - Raw Material – with 27.3 years in Plastic Industry)


Ph.D in Polymer-IIT Kharagpur-2001
Post Doc and Visiting Scientist in South Korea (Pusan National University and Hanyang University) 5 years experience

Skill Sets

Instrumental Skills
Brabender Plasticorder, Haake Rheocorder, Dsc, Ftir, Dmta, Spin Coater, Xrd, Sem, Monsanto Rheometer, Rheometer (ares ), Hot Press, Extruder, Injection Molder, Impact Tester, Hardness Tester, Tensile Tester.
Interpretation Skills
ir, Nmr, Dsc, Tga, Tem, Sem, Dmta, Rheology, Gas Permeability, Afm (atomic Force Microscopy)
Chemical Synthetic Skills
Glassware Handling, Tlc, Coloumn Chromatography, Rotary Evaporator Handling.

Computer Skills :
Ms Word, Excell, Power Point
Origin, Science Finder

Work Experience

Visiting Scientist- Hanyang University, Ansan Campus Duration-2005 -2007 Advisor-prof. Young-wook Chang

Postdoc- Pusan National University, South Korea Duration- From 2002-2005 Advisor-prof. Chang-sik Ha
Ph.D - Year- 2001, Institute-Indian Institute Of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur
Major-Polymer Science, Advisor-prof. C.K. Das
Work Carried Out In During Post Doc And Visiting Scientist Period
1. Polymer Nanocomposite Based On Tpo/tpv
2. Preparation Of Butyl Acrylate Nanocomposite By Emulsion Polymerization
3. Biodegradable Nanocomposite
4. Rubbery Nanocomposite (such As Millable Polyurethane)
5. Nanocomposite Based On Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube
6. Supramolecular Hydrogen Bonding In Elastomer-plastic Blends
7. Shape Memory Rubber 8. Biodegradable Thermoplastic Elastomer
8. Epoxydized Soybean Oil As A Plasticizer

Future Goals

R&d Manager In Polymer

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