Ref. No. : CA - 28851 - (Quality – with 14.2 years in Plastic Industry)


M.B.A (Finance) INDU Management Institute, Baroda Gujarat Technological Uni.Ahemdabad 2009-11 62.00%

Skill Sets

I’ve a working knowledge of M.S.Office as well as Internet.

Work Experience

Planning & QA head
Since January 2015.
Job Profile :
Take specification from marketing department and make bills of material according to requirements.
Calculation of bags weights, inquiry and generate fabric requirements sheets and plan loom wise production of the fabric.
Preparing raw materials and all inventory requirement through month wise production schedule.
Container and production planning schedule line wise and loom wise.
Make samples and taken approval from end users.
Certification from laboratory (labordata, Belgium, IIP etc.)
Arrange printing stereo, inks, threads, fillercord and other inventories from outside related to particular order.
Arrange & Handle manpower related to particular line wise production.
Generate all Q.A. reports and analyzed daily based Q.A. Reports.
Allover handling Q.A. process from order to dispatched materials.
Plan allover Q.A. process and implements systematic production chain –from raw materials to dispatch of the products.

QA in-charge
2011 to 2014
Job Profile :
Works and Responsibilities in Muscat polymer pvt ltd-Rajkot
Take specification from marketing department and make bills of material according to requirements.
Arrange all inventory related to particular specification.
Make samples and taken approval from end users.
Arrange printing stereo, inks, threads, filler cord and other inventories from outside related to particular order.
Arrange & Handle manpower related to particular line wise production.
Generate all Q.A. reports and analyzed daily based Q.A. Reports.
Allover handling Q.A. process from order to dispatched materials.

2007 to 2009
Company Name : Shreenathjitools
Job Profile :
Rules and Responsibilities in shreenathji tools and hardware
Raising Invoice and claim for Payment.
Working Capital management.
Assign the task of personnel and controlling them.
Reconciliation of all financial accounts etc.

Project Undertaken:
I’ve done my summer training on “Financial Ratio Analysis” at Atul Auto LTD, Rajkot.

Future Goals

To pursue a challenging career in the field of Finance by utilizing my skills introvert & extrovert and abilities in order to enhance individual learning process & growth of an organization of my practice.

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