Ref. No. : CA - 13832 - (Management – with 32.7 years in Plastic Industry)


Institute Superieur de Gestion Degree Major French business school. Multinational curriculum included studies in USA, Japan, China, South Korea And Hong Kong 1987/90

Institute Prive des Attaches de Direction, Diploma in Marketing Management, Paris, 1984/86

Skill Sets

General Management executive with diverse industry experience who Provides strong hands-on leadership and motivation to large multi-national Teams and who has played lead roles in start-ups and joint-ventures/restructuring/marketing and sales/finance and IT in Asia/Europe/North America.
Powerful communicator (French/English/German and basic knowledge Indonesian) with proven ability to successfully conclude major transactions with multinational clients and manage key account relationships. Able to relocate on a global basis.

Work Experience

Since Dec 2009 To July 2014
Company Profile: One of the world leaders in manufacturing Carrier Tape for the Semiconductor industry Major customers are Intel TI Micron ST Micro ASE. It also trades Associated Products such as Cover Tape Reels Bags and Operates 3 manufacturing facilities in the Philippines China Taiwan.
Job Profile:
Identified the organization weaknesses and agreed on the strategic plan Focusing on structural improvement, vertical integration and introduction of New technologies required by the market taking into account the necessity Of diversification
Strengthened our SCM, QA, HR and Engineering departments (recruited Letter profile directors), assessed our product development activities and Added missing competencies such as packaging specialists, plastic material Engineers and process engineers
Redefined the corporate Vision, Mission, Values and Core Competencies while re-enforcing the Lean Manufacturing, Kaizen, Six Sigma use and Introducing 4DX for focusing on specific targets and Stage Gates for project Management
Implemented a new ERP system allowing the entire organization for the first Time to work on the same system (6 days gain for the monthly results). Established new business processes and working procedures. Redefined our SKUs demand and production planning, inventory management
Led the development of a new rotary forming process allowing the Company to serve the small carrier tape growing segment and the LED Market
Modified our sourcing network qualifying and introducing new suppliers to Get better leverage.

July 2005 To Oct 2009
Company Profile: Manufacturer of shopping bags and packaging gift bags and boxes for Luxury brands- Coach, Cartier, Longchamp, Mont Blanc, Dunhil, Ferragamo.
Job profile:
Re-organized the company internally created quoting departments on both Sides of the Atlantic allowing the European sales team to receive quotes 24 Hours earlier than before
Strengthened our logistics department (recruited a Logistics Manager), Assessed our global needs re-negotiated freight forwarder contracts and Developed price matrix for complex projects
Converted” product managers into project managers in order to improve the Quality of projects’ follow up and communication (one single point of Coordination instead of 2 or 3)
Assessed and upgraded IT including the switch from a 100% hosting to a Co-location facility to create own IT capability. Recruited IT Manager
Implemented a new ERP system allowing all units for the first time to workUunder the “same roof.” Established new working procedures. Recruited VP Finance
Re-structured European organization transferring more back officeF
Functions from the local sales offices to the coordination office in Switzerland. Recruited a European Office Manager
Strengthened the supply chain throughout Asia by selecting and qualifying Additional suppliers; recruited an Asian Operation Manager and a Sourcing Manager
Created brand new company marketing collateral and re-engineered web-site

Future Goals

CEO President Managing Director

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