Ref. No. : CA - 31768 - (Production - Moulding – with 6.6 years in Plastic Industry)


Diploma in Plastic Technology

Skill Sets

TECHNICAL / SOFTWARE SKILLS: ( Diploma in computer Application)
? Applications:Microsoft Office which includes Microsoft Excel, Power Point , Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook.
? SAP systems.

Work Experience

Production Engineer
From 02thjuly 2018 To Till date
Company profile- leading Automobile plastic

Job profile-
Manpower Deployment, execution of production plan with optimum
utilization of available resources.
? Trouble shooting for process problem by analyzing the root cause.
? Setting of production parameters as per product requirement.
? Process optimization through DOE.
? Control on m/c downtime, process rejection, cycle time, wastage&
? Reduction of internal PPM.
? Implementing Process change Management after any changing 4Mmethod.
? Responsible for ensuring the product quality as per
customer requirements.
? Carrying out Rejection analysis through8D.
? Maintaining DPR, process monitoring sheet, process release record- on
regular basis.
? Co-ordination of 5S activities in the shop floor.
? Continuous improvement in production by reducing cycle time & quality
of the part produced.
? Responsible for Production planning as per the customer requirements.
? Evaluation of Production system through SAP system for better
? Conducting DWM on Daily-basis.
? Establishing, documenting & maintaining the process approach as per
guidelines of MSES.
? Responsible of on job training for the subordinates for creating better
environment in shop-floor.
? Establishing, documenting & maintaining the process approach as per
guidelines ofIATF-16949
? Implementation of kaizen and Poka-Yoke in shop floor.
? To ensure all safety norms practices & discipline are followed in shopfloor.

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