o Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical and Production
Engineering with First class (66.4) from Faculty of Engineering
Technology, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil
Nadu. Year of graduation: May 2002
o Postgraduate Diploma in Plastic Engineering (PGD-PE) from
Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology (CIPET),
Chennai-32 Year of graduation: July 2005 (waiting for the results).
Working as a Senior Works package Engineer
from 2003 to 2004.
R&D Organization, which is currently involved in Research and Development Work involves assisting in preparation of Master Process Charts, and Production Planning and Control is the job scheduling process to assigning the job as per of Master Process Charts, Methods sheets, Tooling sheets.
Work Synopsis:
o Tooling drawings were developed for the process design of the
engine related components within stipulated time using CAD/CAM
o Material planning, Manufacturing method, Estimation of time was
included in the Master Process Sheets.
o Stage wise drawings with necessary guidelines to achieve total
quality were incorporated in the Method Sheets.
o Co-ordination with different modules within the organization.
o Production Planning and Control is the job scheduling components.
Extracurricular Activities
Training Experience
1) Under gone implant training at Heavy Vehicle Factory Avadi,
Chennai-600 054.
2) Under gone implant training at Southern Structural Limited
Pattabiram, Chennai-600 072.
Interesting Subjects:
B.E (Production Engineering)
o Production Planning and Control (PP&C)
o Manufacturing process
o Design engineering (CAD/CAM)
PGD-PE (Plastic Engineering)
o Process engineering
o Product design development
o Mold Making Technology
To be part of an emerging organization offering me challenging jobs,
help me to build a greater career and to achieve excellence and
professionalism in my work.
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