M.Tech, (Polymer Engg. Tech, U.I.C.T., University of Mumbai, (2004) with 68.25.
B.Tech (Polymer Science Tech) University of Calcutta (2002) with 75.5.
B.Sc (Chemistry Hons.) University of Calcutta (1999) with 65.7.
Computer Proficiency; Dos and Windows Operating systems; Ms Office XP, C, C++. Conversant with Polysoft and Haake Software.
B.Tech: Chain Terminator Thiols as Redox Initiator Half Components
Seminar Presented M. Tech: gPlastics filled with agrowastesh
B.Tech: gBiodegradable polymerh
Industrial Experience œ Eight weeks Training at PHOENIX YULE, Kalyani,West Bengal (during B.Tech.)
Area of Interestœ Processing of Polymer, Composites, Polymer Chemistry, Rheology of polymer.
Publications: œ gPlastics filled with agrowastesh Popular plastics & Packaging, Vol. XLVIII No. 11, November 2003.
œ "Properties of Polypropylene filled with chemically treated rice husk", European Polymer Journal.(2004), Communicated.
Polymer Processing Equipment Handledœ Extruder [APV MP-19] [U.K] Twin screw.
œ Haake Rheocord RC 9000 ( Single Screw, Twin Screw Extruder, Batch Mixer)
œ Compression molding machine.
œ Injection molding machine (Microprocessor based).
œ Two – roll compounding mill.
œ Film blowing assembly.
Analytical Instrument Handledœ Haake Viscometer, RT 10
œ Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC 7, Perkin Elmer, USA).
œ Universal Tensile Tester, LR – 50 k (Lloyds instruments, UK).
œ Impact Strength Tester (Denison Avery).
œ Melt Flow indexer.
œ Heat Distortion Measurement (Davenport, UK).
œ Vicat softening point (Davenport, UK.).
œ Rosand Twin Bore Capillary Rheometer, (UK).
Awards and Recognitions All India Ranking 43rd in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE Score 94.51),2002.
Award of GE Fund Scholarship for gLeadership and Excellencyh 2002-2004.
National Scholarship in B.Sc (Hons)Exam.
1 st prize in Society of Polymer Science (SPS) seminar presentation, Pune, 2004, presentated on "Properties of Polypropylene filled with chemically modified rice husk".
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