Ref. No. : CA - 2170 - (Production – with 47.8 years in Plastic Industry)


EDUCATION B. Tech in Chemical Engineering in 1977 securing First Class from Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur.

COMPUTER SKILLS Microsoft Window Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, Power Point Internet.

Work Experience

Presently overall inchage of production of 30 MT/day of Nylon-6 Chips Polymerization & Recovery plant, 6 MT of various Nylon-6 Compounded grade chips prdouced from W&P''s ZSK-58 Twin Screw Extruder and Recycling plant converting Nylon Filament Yarn Waste into Chips.

Experience in various capacities in the production area and Project implementation of the following plants.
1) CHIEF MANAGER (POLY & RECOVERY) (2001 onwards) At present looking after all production activities of Nylon-6 Chips and compounded grade chips having production capacities of 10000 MT per annum. Recently worked on enhancement of our present capacity by 60% i.e. to 16000 MT per annum.
a. Direct responsibility of implementing strategies defined by Management with respect to
b. Implementing technological upgradation/modification programme through in house efforts. c. Direct responsibility for manufacturing and quality assurance activities of Nylon-6 chips,
Lactam Recovery, Engg. Plastic Grade Chips.
d. Production planning for Nylon-6 chips, Engg. Plastic Grade Chips and implementation
after approval.
e. Co-ordinate for plant maintenance activities with concerned Maintenance Group.
f . Review production quality performance on periodic basis and effectiveness of quality
system in the operation of plant.
g. Initiates action for improvement of production quality and process performance.
h. Ensure optimal use of energy, manpower and natural resources in the operation,
operational safety and maintenance of clean environment.
i. Analyse and implement remedies if required for the customer complaints related to
production area as referred by the Marketing Department.
j. Ensures uninterrupted supply of raw materials, additives and other inputs with desired
quality to meet required production planning.

2) SR. MANAGER (TECH. SERVICES) (1995 - 2000)
a) Provides technical assistance/back up to the Production groups for the trouble shooting
of plant operations and constraints.
b) Process audit on day to day basis and suggest for improvement.
c) Finalize basic schemes for mutually agreed modifications with concerned production
group for detail engineering by Design Department in order to ensure continuous
improvement in the productivity of the plant and improvement of production/process
d) Suggesting process modification for technology upgradation for improving production,
productivity and quality.
e) Co-ordinates activities with Technical and Design Department and for 18 years
1) Nylon/Polyester Polymerization Plant.
2) Continuous polymerization of NTC Plant
3) Conventional NFY/PFY Spinning Plant

a) Head of the Department - Nylon Filament Yarn (Spg.) (1991 -1995) Managing all aspects
of Department functioning producing 14.2 MT/day NFY/PFY. Successfully developed new
44/32 denier in NFY Many other modifications were made to improve the technology
for indigenization of spares & consumables, cost reduction & ease of operation.
b) Asstt. Superintendent - Poly (1984 - 1991) Assisting the Deptt. Head in the complete
administration & Production of the Deptt. Responsible for the quality of product &
achieving product target. Controlling inventory & waste. Handling breakdowns/shut
down. During this period we have successfully raised the capacity of our chips plant from
6.8 MT/day to 17 MT/day in co-ordination with project Deptt.
d) Chemical Engineer - NTC Plant (1981 - 1983) He was specifically deputed to look after
erection and commissioning of Polymerization Deptt. of Nylon Tyre Cord plant along with
Japanese Engineers from UNITIKA. He was actively involved in erection & commissioning
of Polyester polycondensation plant in collaboration.
e) Chemical Engineer - Nylon/Polyester (1977 - 1981) Managing all aspects of shift
production which includes trouble shooting quality control of product by maintaining
process parameters.

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