Ref. No. : CA - 30707 - (Production - Extrusion Plastic Pipes – with 16.1 years in Plastic Industry)


MBA in Operation & Materials, Under N.M.U, Jalgaon with First class
Post Graduate Diploma in Plastic Processing & Testing (PGD-PPT) from Central Institute of Plastic Engineering (CIPET), HYDERABAD in (2007-2009)
Completed Bachelor Degree in Science(Physics Honours) under Fakir Mohan University, Orissa in 2007 with 1st class.
Completed +2 Science under Council of Higher Secondary Education, Orissa in 2003.
Completed H.S.C from Board of Secondary Education, Orissa with 59.86 %.

Skill Sets

Computer Skills:
Operating System : Windows, M S Office, PG-DCA
Tools : Mould Flow, Auto CAD, CBT

Material exposure:

Technical Skills :
Exposure in-
1.Plastic processing techniques - Injection molding, Blow molding, Injection stretch , Extrusion, etc.
2.Plastic testing techniques - Identification of plastic, Product testing and other important tests about plastics.
3.Efficient knowledge of plastic materials- Different types of materials & their properties, manufacturing process, application etc.
4. Machine maintenance - Hydraulics, electrical & electronics.

Work Experience

Production Manager (Plant Head of PVC & HDPE Pipes).
From December 2019 to November 2020.
Company profile- Manufacturer of Welded Wire Fabric For Reinforcement, Fencing Solutions & Wire Mesh

Job Profile :
1)To take care of day to day production and smooth running of the machinery.
2)Ensure Quality of products as per TBS Standard
3)Take care of overall maintenance for smooth running of plant.
4)Overall plant administration..
5)RM and Production planning
6)Achieving target production and timely delivery.
7)Achieving target wastage and reuse wastage without hampering product quality.
8)Handling 3rd Party inspection.
Up gradation of infrastructure with coordination with GM.

QA In-charge (Head of Quality of Dadra Unit)
From October 2017 to August 2019
Company profile- one of the leading businesses in the PVC Pipe Manufacturers

Job Profile :
1)Heading the quality department and make sure all dispatches meets Prince Standard.
2)Maintaining all records according to ISI & ISO.
3)Train juniors for quality checking & testing from raw material to Finish goods.
4)Developing quality standards.
5)Man power management of quality department.
6)Handling 3rd party inspection.
7)Handling BIS Documentation.
8)Make sure all approved RM, as per Prince Standard.
Approval of new jobs.

I was working in Miraj Pipes and Fitting Pvt. Ltd as Shift Production Engineer.
Period : October 2015 to June 2017
Job Profile :
1)Execution of production as per planning.
2)Train operators & juniors for process setting.   
3)Maintain & upgrade Process Parameters (SOP).
4)Taking necessary steps to optimize production and minimize wastage.
5)Setting process parameters for new jobs.
6)Maintain production & rejection data & analyze it for corrective action.
7)Man power management.
8)Verification of all Documentation including ISO 4th level
9)Machines handled
a) Ferromatic Milacron cpvc 150.
b) SP 180,350
E) HAVE HANDLE KTS 200,KTS 450,65/22,52/25,90/22 ,92/28 KET EXTRUDER MACHINES
Also have handled Hi-Tech CNC machine programming ? 117 for the threading of column pipe

I was working in “Ladda Agro Pvt. Ltd” as Production & QC In-charge.
Period : July 2010 to September 2015

Job Profile :
1. Take care of both production and quality.
2. Machine parameter setting.
3. Solving technical problems.
4. Trouble shooting.
5. Taking necessary steps to optimize production and minimize wastage.
6. Man power management.
7. Scheduling preventive maintenance.
8. Maintaining all records according to ISI.
9. Handling 3rd Party Inspection.
10. Compounding
11. Checking quality of RM, In process and FG.

I was working in “TULSI EXTRUSION Ltd” in PVC, HDPE injection & extrusion division. Tulsi is an ISO 9001/2000 certified company and well-known for its quality.

Designation : Shift-in-charge cum Quality control In-charge.
Period : Since July 2008 to June 2010

Machines handled:
a) HATIA 200, 160, 95, 68
b) SP 300
d) HAVE HANDLE KTS 200,KTS 450,65/22,52/25,90/22 EXTRUDER MACHINES .

Job Profile :
1. Execution of planning
2. Mould and machine parameter setting.
3. Taking necessary steps for the smooth production of entire shift.
4. Trouble shooting
Checking Quality of material.
5. Optimizing production
6. Minimizing wastage
7. Maintaining all records according to ISO

Future Goals

To join a progressive organization that provides me environment to apply my knowledge and technical skills and to be part of a team that dynamically works towards growth of organization with challenge.

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