Ref. No. : CA - 29313 - (Production – with 11.1 years in Plastic Industry)


B. Tech Engineering Gurukul Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kota Rajasthan Technical University, kota 1St div From 2013

Skill Sets

Leadership Skills, Operation Management, Inventory Control, Production Management, Production Planning, Training and Development, Quality Assurance, Relationship Building, Customer service and Retention, Time management, Issue Resolution, Ability?? to ??work ??any ??environment, Willingness ??to ??learn, Proven?? ability ??as ??a ??quick ??learner ??of ??network? ?and? ?technology, Good ??in? ?social ??circles, Logical?? and? ?critical ??thinking, Excellent? ?communication ??and ??inter personal ??skills, Good?? inter-departmental?? coordination.

Work Experience

Production Manager

Production Manager
1 Year

Asst. Production Manager
3 Years
Company Name : Umasree Textplast Pvt Ltd
Job Profile :
Productivity ??of ?? FIBC.
Production?? with ??Quality.
Manpower?? allowance.
Overall?? planning? ?of ??FIBC ??and ??Cutting.
Material?? availability?? In? ?FIBC ??of ??all ??type.
Supervise?? the ??equipment ??set-ups ??and ??ensure ??they ??are ??working ??properly.
Manage ??the ??quality ??of ??production ??and? ?cost ??reduction.
Provide ??training ??to ??the ??new ??appointees.
Maintain ??and ??ensure ??safety? ?work? ?environment.
Research ??and ??analyze ??the ??new ??production ??techniques.
Maintaining ?? ??safe ??and ??clean ??working?? environment.
Maintain?? up-to-date ??work? ?records.
Work?? In?? 6’S

Sr. Production Officer
3 Years
Company Name : Neo Corp International Pvt. Ltd.
Job Profile :
Planning of Fibc.
Supervision of Cutting and Preparation.
Supervision of FIBC Production.
Material availability.
Maintain?? up-to-date ??work? ?records.
Work?? In?? 6’S

?Certificate ?Knowledge

Competent, diligent & result oriented professional with an experience of 7 years.
Proven capabilities in creating or developing strong and new Ideas for organization.
To work in a firm with a professional work driven environment where I can utilize and apply my knowledge and skills.
I can use my all knowledge, abilities and skills for organization which would enable me as a graduate to grow while fulfilling organizational goals.

Future Goals

Seeking ??a ??challenging? ?position ??offering ??personal ??and ??professional ??growth ??with a ??scope ??to ??learn ???and? ?improve.

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