Ref. No. : CA - 17410 - (Quality - Extrusion – with 10.2 years in Plastic Industry)


M.Tech (plastic Engineering)

Skill Sets

Ability to cope up with any environment.
Curiosity and willingness to learn.
Sincerity and Hard work

Operating Systems :  MS Dos, MS-Windows.
Packages : MS - Office
Application software :  Auto CAD 2007

Work Experience

Quality Engineer – Process
From - 07/01/2022 to till date
Company profile - production & Sourcing house engaged in supplying of Vacuum Bagging consumables

Job profile -
Supervise and assist the production team to help ensure the quality guideline & standards are
met. New product trails as per customer specification. Planning & Co-ordinate with third party
lab. test for materials and products. Handling of customer quality audit. Supplier process audit.
Problem solving with 8D. Customer complaint handling. APQP, PPAP & MSA documentation.
ISO9001:2015 documentation. Co-ordinate with sales team to development of new
customers. Product & process quality system review. Identification of risk & opportunity and
act on it. Kaizen implementation.
Raw Material Testing:-
Polyester & Epoxy resin. HDPE, PP, LDPE, Polymer Master Batch.
Process Techniques:-
Vacuum Bagging Infusion Process. Extrusion Process.

Sr. Engineer - Quality Assurance & Quality Control
From 08/08/2019 to 04/01/2022
Company profile- leading FRP cooling tower manufacturer

Job Profile:-
Monitoring and auditing of products to ensure high standards of quality. Ensuring that all QA
tests are carried out on time and in full. Priority development through the effective use of data.
Leading composite development projects from proposal to formulation, manufacturer &
testing. Responsible for the review and update of the programme quality plans. Giving
specialist quality assurance advice to the company departments as required. Provide weekly
and monthly reports to senior managers on performance. Making sure that all QA records,
data & information are available to top management. Ensuring non-confirming products are
identified and placed on restriction. Coordinating the investigation of customer complaints.
Monthly data in monthly review meeting in presence of Top management. MR role for
ISO9001:2015.CFT meeting for any kind of development. Efficiently maintained all documents
as per ISO9001:2015 audit and accordingly faced the external audit conducted by the TUVNORD. Served as technical interface between marketing & operation team. Identification of
risk & Opportunity and act on it. New tools & techniques applied for the improvement of existing
Process. Failure analysis of cooling tower frp blade & its components. Product & process
validation. Product & process quality system review. Packaging standards & specification
Raw Material Testing:-
Polyester & Epoxy resin, Carbon black master batch (PP) & PVC.
Product Testing:-
Finished FRP components.
Processing Techniques:-
Hand Lay-up Process, Pultrusion Process.
Instruments/ Machines Handling:-
Brook-field Viscometer, Universal Testing Machine (Jinan, China), Barcol Hardness Tester,
Gel coat spray, Gloss Meter, Infra-Red Thermometer, Wet Laminate Gauge, Wet Film
Thickness Gauge, Digital Vibration Meter, Digital Moisture Meter, HDT Tester, Izod / Charpy
Tester, Compression Molding, Humidity Chamber, Muffle furnace , Density Apparatus, Air
Circulation Oven, Melt Flow Index.

Engineer - Quality Assurance & Quality Control
From 09/01/2017 To 02/8/2019
Brentwood Industries

Job Profile: -
Analysis of raw material (PVC, PP) & Carbon black master batch (PP). QA/QC documentation.
Vendor development. Established in-process and final QA inspection plan. Acceptance
sampling plan. Responsible for Internal & External audit as per requirement. Quality audit of
regular vendors. Daily work management. Lab. Standardization. Round robin. Provide training
to all members of the QC/QA staff. Provided technical Support & attend customer complaint.
Risk analysis. Continuous improvement. Control of NC product. Quality tools & technique
apply in existing process.
Instrument /Machine Handling: -
UTM (International Equipment). HDT/VSP (International Equipment).Gardner Impact Tester
(Kaiser). Density Apparatus (International Equipment). Auto Melt Flow Index
(International Equipment) Izod / Charpy Impact tester (International equipment).Counter
Cutter (International Equipment). Environmental Condition Chamber (International
Equipment). Flammability Tester (Asian equipment). Durometer Hardness Tester. Hydraulic
Press & Die. Compression Molding (Kaiser). Thermoforming (OMG, Italy). Injection Molding
Processing Techniques: -
Thermoforming Process. Injection Molding. Compression Molding.
Achievement: -
Reduction in COPQ from 7% to 3%.

Production Executive
Since Jan 2014 to 03.01.2017
High Grade Industries
(I) Pvt. Ltd
Company Profile: Manufacturer and Exporter of Engineering Thermoplastic White Master batch (PET, PBT) & black Master batch (PET) and Commodity Thermoplastic additives master batch & compounding (HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, PP, BOPP) & Elastomeric Polymer additives compounding (EVA) and also manufacturer of polymer additives like Antioxidant, flame retardant, UV stabilizer, Optical brightener, Photo Initiators, Nucleating agent, Metal de activator. 
Job Profile:
Control the production consumables budget by proper monitoring.Problem analysis with help of feed backs given by customers.Monitor the trial production of new / modified products on main line by working closely with product development team to ensure the production capacity able to cope with the new requirements.Planning, determining, coordinating and controlling the processes concerning to production plan.Preparation of DPM (Daily Plant Meeting) report, monthly reports for WIP.Achieve lowest change over time in the plants.Coordinated with other departments and resolved all technical issues in products.ISO9001:2008 & 14001:2004 documentation work.
All Quality control of polymer Master Batches.
Daily monitoring actions for Quality Defect Activities.Knowledge of Quality Tools.Machine Safety Analysis (M.S. A). Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.P).Awareness about RM quality and Product quality.Wastage analysis & control.

Safety and Housekeeping:
To maintain clean and safe working environment that supports production activities.Implementation of “5 S” in plant area and surrounding.Ensuring job completion with 100% safe way by using standard safety tools and procedures.Troubleshooting, Rectifying and implementing effective techniques to avoid near miss (Accident).

Machines Handled:
Twin Screws Extruder (OMEGA 40, STEER). Twin Screws Extruder (OMEGA 60, STEER). Twin Screws Extruder (Cowin60, china). Single Screw Extruder(Neoplast).Dryers handling of PBT& PET.Blown film extruder(Kabra). High speed mixture(Neoplast).Filter index machine(Marshal). Tworoll mill(Neoplast).Polymer Pulvalizer.Universal testing machine (International Equipment). Melt Flow index (International).Contour cutter(International). Notch cutter(International).Injection Molding (BCH India).

Sr. Analyst
Sept 2009 to Sept 2011 
Company Profile: Monitoring & Analysis of Air, Water, soil & sound.
Job profile: 
Analysis of Air, Water, Soil & Sound
Instruments handling: 
RDS Machine (5micron -10micron level). BOD Incubator.COD digester. conductivity meter. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 203(Chemito). UV Spectroscopy 2201(Chemito). High Performance Liquid Chromatography 6600(Chemito). Flame Photometer.Sound level meter. Karle Fisher Potentiometer (Veego). 

Jr. Analyst
May 2006 to July 2007
Company Name: Aditya Coal Carbonization Pvt. Ltd

Advance Training in Gas Chromatography at ADVANCE Training Institute, Mumbai (Gov. Of India),from 11/3/2013 to 22/3/2013.

Experience work with Equipment Exposure:
Processing Laboratory: 
Microprocessor controlled injection-molding machine, blowmolding, Automatic compression molding machine, Thermoforming, Extrusion, Batch Mixer.

Mechanical Laboratory: 
Hardness tester, Coefficient of friction, Impact meter (Ceast, Italy), Contour cutter (Ceast, Italy), Universal Testing Machine (UTM).
Rheological Laboratory:

Capillary Rheometer, Haake twin-screw extruder (Haake, Germany), Two-roll mill (Dr. Collins, Germany), Melt flow Index Tester (Ceast, Italy), Brookfield Viscometer (Brookfield, USA)
Characterization Laboratory: 
Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) (Perkin Elmer, U.S.A), Thermo gravimetric Analyzer (TGA) (Perkin Elmer, U.S.A), Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM), X-rays Diffraction(XRD), Dynamic Mechanical Analysis(DMA), FT-IR Spectroscopy

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