Ref. No. : CA - 24774 - (R&D - Raw Material – with 14.1 years in Plastic Industry)


M.Tech (Polymer SC. & Tech) From Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in 2010 with 9.05 CGPA

B.Tech (Polymer SC. & Tech) From University College of Sci & Tech Kolkata University in
2008 with 71.07%

B.SC (Honours in Chemistry) From S.A Jaipuria College Calcutta University in 2005 with 60.13%

Work Experience

Senior Research Engineer -  Materials & Processing Group
Since May 2015
Company Profile: Engaged in the business of developing, manufacturing and marketing Electrical and Electronics components. 
Job Profile:
Processing technologies and formulation of speciality elastomers e.g., Silicones
and EVA for improvement of insulating properties.
The areas of work are –
As Project Leader:
Modification of cable extrusion process to develop a novel process for manufacturing of
medium and high voltage long rod insulators.
Design of cross-head for rubber extrusion.
As Project Member:
Dynamic rheological characterization of cross-linked polyethylene (insulating and semi-conducting) for
high voltage cables and cable joint installation. The work was related to time reduction for cable joint installation

Associate Research Scientist
August 2010 to April 2015
Company Profile: Engaged in the business of developing, manufacturing and marketing
high performance speciality engineering plastics and their monomers.
Job Profile:
Research Areas: Polymer Technology/Physics . Structure-Property relationship by rheology,
mechanical, dynamic mechanical testing and microscopy.
The areas of work were .
Compounding: Compounding of experimental polyamides blends of polyamides and compounding with glass fibre. Optimization of parameters for compounding and moulding using inputs from the rheological properties of the base material. Choice of segments of twin screw for optimum compounding. Control of glass fibre attrition by controlling processing parameters.

Moulding: Setting parameters for injection moulding. Control of pressure profile according to material properties, esp. Flow properties

Rheology: Melt stability studies of polyetherether ketones by parallel plate rheometry. Rheometric studies for branching studies. Optimization of blending. phase generation and phase stability studies. Rheological study by capillary rheometer for processing optimization specifically for blending. Study of flow modification due to additives for injection moulding.

Polyamide characterization: Water-Polymer interactions (hygrothermal properties) and dynamic mechanical properties of experimental polyamides. Degradation kinetics studies by thermogravimetric analysis. Measurement of entanglement molecular weights and correlation with fundamental toughness of polymers. Compression test for characterization of strain hardening and yielding. Correlating the properties with monomer structures. elimination and
selection of monomers. Extensive mechanical property characterization of glass fibre filled samples.

Composites: Developing fundamental structure property understanding for thermoset based composites and CNT based nano-composites. Work was related to observing change in fracture behaviour of thermoset resins in presence of additives by in-plane fracture toughness measurement (K1c measurement). Studying the effect of additive-son curing kinetics and curing profile. Studies on changes in high temperature adhesive strengths of bi-functional epoxy resins in presence of thermoplastic additive

Nano-Composites: CNT based nano-composites for ESD applications. optimization of loading w.r.t feeding zone and screw profile in co-rotating twin screw extruder
High temperature adhesives: Thermoplastic and modified thermoset (epoxy) high temperature adhesives. Understanding of fundamental structure-property attributes for better adhesion performance at higher temperatures (>150.C)

Thermal Analysis: Modulated DSC for complex crystallization studies and blend studies. Studies on the effects of compatibilization on glass transitions.

Surface Analysis: Contact angle studies for the surface modification due to different monomers.

Microscopy: Polarized optical microscopy and Scanning electron microscopy for fracture surface study. Morphology studies with SEM. Metal contamination studies by EDS. Studies on crystallization by hot-stage microscopy.
Part of Solvay microscopy network (India R&I representative)

Administrative Experience:
Undergone training on Project Management (PMP certification pending)
Undergoing Design For Six Sigma training
In charge of Lab shifting and setting up the new polymer characterization lab for Solvay India R&I
Center. This included finalizing the technical specifications of rheometer, capillary rheometer,
UTM, impact tester, optical microscope, hot-stage, SEM, DSC, TGA.
Was taking care of the day to day running of material characterization lab for 1.5 yrs.
Mentored an M.Tech intern from Calcutta University in project finalizing, experimental set up
and data analysis and interpretations. The project was about the study of adhesive bonds between
Aluminium and polyetherether ketone at different temperature and what the factors are that
influences the adhesive strength of thermoplastics

Technical Expertise:
Mechanical testing equipment's (UTM –Instron and Zwick)
Impact Tester (Zwick and Ceast)
Differential Scanning Calorimeter (Q2000)
Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer (Q500)
Rheometer (DHR 3 – TA instruments)
Capillary Rheometer (Gottfert and Dynisco LCR)
Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (TA instruments and Netzsh)
Microtome (Leica RM 2265)
Optical Microscopy (Zeiss Axioscope Pol. Microscope)
Scanning Electron Microscope (Zeiss EVO 18)
Complete range of polymer processing equipment's including TSE (hands on exposure on segmented screws) – Coperion ZSK 26, injection moulding,
Compression moulding press (Carver), thermoforming.
Contact angle measurement instrument (OCA 20 from Data-physics).
Heat Deflection Temperature apparatus.
Pin-on-disk abrader (CSM Instruments)
Two roll mill for rubber processing
Mould-flow MPI (project work on mould
design under Prof. Naresh Bhatnagar)
Course taken on polymer product design and mould design at IIT, Delhi

M.Tech Project:
Studies on Fibrillation of Polytetrafluoroethylene in Polystyrene and Polymethylmethacrylate
Matrices under the supervision of Prof. Anup. K. Ghosh (IIT, Delhi), Dr. Bhabani. K Satapathy (IIT,
Delhi) and Dr. Sumanda Bandyopadhyay (GE Global Research, Innovative Plastics Program). This
work was aimed towards the understanding of the effect of networked fibril morphology of a softer
polymer on a brittle glassy polymer. The properties of interest were the mechanical, tribological,
thermal and rheological properties of the formed in situ composites. SAN coated paste extrusion
grade PTFE was used as the softer phase and both polystyrene and polymethylmethacrylate were
used as the hard glassy polymer. The desired morphology was achieved and studied by
microscopy and thermal analysis.
Project work was carried out at GE India Technology Centre, Whitefield, Bangalore.

Technical Projects:
In-Plant training for seven weeks in Berger Paints India Ltd., Howrah Factory.
B.Tech project (Four months) on “Evaluation of MBT-TMTD Binary Accelerator Systems in NR
Vulcanization” under the supervision of Dr. Bidyut B. Konar.
The aim of this work was to understand the swelling and aging behavior as well as mechanical
properties of natural rubber vulcanized with sulfur with a blend of a fast accelerator like MBT with
an ultra accelerator like TMTD. Vulcanization studies with moving die rheometer was done to see
the effect on curing time and scorch safety time.

Research Publications:
Fibrillation of Teflon in Polymer Matrices: Rajdeep Majumder, Sumanda Bandyopadhyay, Samik Gupta, Radha Kamalakaran, Anup K. Ghosh, B. Satapathy; Paper number CMP075,International Conference on Advances in Polymer Technology, Feb. 26-27, 2010, India,

Studies on Wear Properties of Polystyrene in the presence of Fibrillated Network of 
Polytetrafluoroethylene by Sumanda Bandyopadhyay, Rajgopal Iyer, Rajdeep Majumder, B. Satapathy, and Anup K. Ghosh, ISRN Polymer Science, vol. 2013, Article ID 837952. doi:10.1155/2013/837952

US Patent: Mobile electronic devices made of amorphous poly-amides US 20140127440 A 1
European Patent: Mobile electronic devices made of amorphous polyamides EP 2727951 A 1

Scholastic Achievements:
Selected for the GE Foundation (NY) - Institute of International Education – Scholar-Leader
Fellowship for the session 2008–2010.
This fellowship is given yearly to 60 students from India’s top Technical Colleges/Universities based
on their academic performances as well as community development works and leadership qualities.
Selected to represent the Department of Polymer Science & Technology, Calcutta University
in “Polymer Quest, 2007 – All India Young Scientists’ Essay, Seminar & Quiz Competitions in
Polymer Sc. And Technology” organized by Rubber Technology Center, IIT, Kharagpur as part
of its silver jubilee celebrations.
Topic of presentation: ‘Immobilization of Enzymes on Polymeric Systems’.
Secured 3rd (consolation) prize in the quiz competition.

Future Goals


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