Ref. No. : CA - 1147 - (Production - Moulding – with 25.9 years in Plastic Industry)


Course : M.Tech
Specialisation : Polymer Engineering
Year of Passing : December 2000
CGPA (Class) : 7.51 CGPA (First)
University : Anna University

Course : B.E.,
Specialisation : Mechanical Enigineering
Year of Passing : April 1999
% of Marks (Class) : 66.87 (First)
University : University of Madras

Skill Sets

Post Graduate In Polymer Engineering Looking Jobs In The Field Of Plastics
I T Skills:
Packages : CATIA V5 (Solid Modeling, Surface Modeling, Drafting, Assembly Module), Auto CAD, Pro E, MS Office
Languages : C, C++, Java, and Pascal
Operating System: Windows XP, UNIX

Work Experience

Sr. Engineer
Since March 2008
Presently working with leading company manufacturing automotive parts especially in Multi function switches, Power Window Switches, Combination Switches etc.
Monitoring and analysis of molded products targets and quality
Preparation of weekly and Daily Production Schedule (KPI Form)
Preparation and analysis of 3Q cost based on weekly and monthly
Preparation of annual and fortnight budget plan
Preparation of raw material requirement based on budget plan
Provision of overall training to engineers and supervisors.
Up gradation of appropriate skills requirement.
Overall upgrading of shop floor activities
Provision of training and implementation of the environment of 3C 5S and Kanban Systems
Provision of FIFO procedure for raw material, Finished Goods and Tools arrangements.
Maintenance of Tools and Machines.
Preparation of Documents related to production and preparation of Control Plan, FMEA and
Process Flow chart.

Cycle Time optimized by adopting the molding parameter theory.
Reduced the non productive time by implementation of 3C 5S Concept and Visual presentation
Cost reduced by 3Q cost of KANABAN System
Cost reduced by reduction of inventory holding cost by adopting JIT.
Break down reduced by given training to operators and planning
Achieved process rejection below 2%
Reduced the set up time and increased the productivity by introducing the SMED system
Quality improvement

Production Manager
Mar' 04 to Feb’ 08
AL Romaizan Factory, KSA
Al Romaizan Factory a wholly Saudi owned Company Established in the year 1993 and is situated in the Second industrial city of Riyadh.
Al Romaizan is the first factory to produce Commercial plastics molding components in the whole of the Middle East.
Scheduling and implementation of production and machine loading, ensuring quality assurance.
Preparation of weekly production schedule and daily production schedule based on customer order
Calculating the manpower, machine power, material, tool and total cost requirements
Organizations of raw materials, tools and molds for production.
Lead a team of operators and supervisors for higher productivity and continuous improvements.
Controlled the activities in the shop floor and maintained the records about production.
Optimum utilization of manpower and machine.
Maintaining molds and machines.
Coordination with other production related departments such as Quality, Store, Dispatch and maintenance.

Production Engineer
Jan' 01 to Feb’ 04
Devi Polymers Private Ltd, Chennai
Devi Polymers is the largest manufacturer and exporter of the plastics molding components in India
Devi Polymers is the principal supplier of the Plastics molding components to Electrical industries, auto industry and commercial industry.
Selection of machine and materials based on the customer requirements.
Calculating the manpower, machine power , material, tool and total cost requirements
Organizations of raw materials, tools and molds for production.
Lead a team of operators and supervisors for higher productivity and continuous improvements.
Controlled the activities in the shop floor and maintained the records about production.
Analyzed the daily production, scrape documented and solved
Optimum utilization of manpower and machine.
Maintaining molds and machines.
Coordination with other production related departments such as Quality, Store, Dispatch and Maintenance.

Future Goals

Seeking assignments in Plastics Process Engineering with a growth oriented organization of repute; preferably in the field of automotive plastics Injection molded components, where I can utilize my strong technical skills in plastics engineering.

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