Ref. No. : CA - 9850 - (Production - Moulding – with 23.2 years in Plastic Industry)


Post Graduate Diploma in Plastics Engineering CIPET, Chennai. in 2000.
Bachelor of Engineering, University of Madras (Sathyabama Engineering College) in 1999
Area of focus - Production Engineering
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering DOTE, Tamilnadu in 1996

Skill Sets

Exceptional knowledge of plastic manufacturing and its processes and materials
Proficiency in operation of molding machines and peripheral equipment including Robots
Wide knowledge of injection molding tool technologies
Sound skills to perform troubleshoot and analyze issues
Remarkable ability to document process and provide reports
Skilled to work on multiple projects for meeting deadlines
Net analyst in collection of materials for Technical manuals and reports
Good Team player
Investigate and identify new technology requirements for ongoing injection molding improvements
Overall responsibility for manufacturing Operations including 5S

Work Experience

Molding Process Engineer (Manufacturing Engineer) - Leader (Molding Engineering Department.)
Since June 2007
Company Profile: Manufacturer and supplier of batteries
Job Profile:
Organize and manage production and Technology team to achieve Production according to business plan based on MPS, and plan resources according to it.
Plant lay out for injection molding plant for 90 machines from scratch and coordinated with related departments and completed all set up with in Target time fixed
Individually contribute to day to day production and escalate to concerned department if Target is not up to the mark
Leading a team of technicians and Engineers
Played a pivotal role in new set up of plant from scratch. (Includes Purchase selection to production ramp Up and machine and auxiliaries selections, HR and Equipment & construction Teams)
Process setting and trouble shooting in molding process and post molding.
Analysis of cycle time reduction process systematically and also Analysis on repeated tool breakdowns issues
Preparation for Tooling Transfer, Trail Run, FAI, CPK, Pilot Run and Mass run in coordination with all related departments for Master and copy tool.
Preparation of Flowcharts, Standard Operation Procedures (SOP), FMEA (Failure Mode and Effective Analysis), POP (Procedure of Packaging), Preparation of 8D reports for customer complaints and training the same for ground operators.
Remarkable ability to document process and provide reports
Sound skills to perform troubleshoot at the customer end and prepare 8D reports and analyze issues
Implementing and monitoring the report of Production Yield rate, tool uptime, and every week and making down line analysis and effective corrective action.
Preparation and of Production documents and engineering documents and procedures, In accordance to NSR
Preparation of abnormality reports in production (Processing i.e. Raw material /Tooling) and intimating and following out with concerned department for permanent corrective action.
Coordinate and provide solution to external departments (Painting and Assembly)
Net Analyst for new developments and coordinating with new vendors and alternate materials
Key Member of CFT team for brain storming issues.
Executing Cost saving Techniques/Measures and modifications to achieve substantial reduction in the budget wherever possible without contributing Quality

Man Power:
Controlling and training Technicians & Engineers & Production Team on processing and soft skills
Mentor for GET trainees (8 Engineers) on Theoretical and practice sessions on Polymers and injection molding.
Man Power control and handling and training for operators for Higher Productivity along with effective counseling them

Made new plan lay out ad installed 90 machineries including Pick out robots
Visionary demand on Retrofitting of Ordinary screw and barrel for Glass Filled resins, with high cost control
Man Power reduction based on planning orders. Based on Master Production Schedule.
Selection of Machineries and auxiliaries equipments, with discussions with suppliers in terms of Technical aspects, and suggest to related purchase department.
Evaluating and sourcing and price negotiations for item s needed for molding workshop
Prepared list of Production and nonproduction items for the initial plant start up of EOU and SEZ, did sourcing along with purchase department.
Preparation of manual on basics of injection molding for processing personals.
Thesis on foaming agents for low production costs

Production Engineer
Sept 2005 - May 2007
Company Profile: Leading manufacturer of Pens, Ball pens, Markers, Sketches, Lighters etc. All injection moulds imported from France & Canada.
Job Profile:
Responsible for achieving the manufacturing metrics’ target as set in the management objective
OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) / FTT (First time through);Safety (Lost time cases)
Establishing process standards and new product / process development.
Responsible for shop floor discipline
Responsible for production related activities of injection molding shop.
Willing to take lead in meeting highly dynamic production environment strong interpersonal skills and ability to resolve conflicts.
Communicate effectively within the International organization vide oral and written means.
Preparation of on Process Flow, FMEA and Control plan of injection molding process.
Train-evaluate workmen to meet the job requirement
Interact with Material planning, Quality, Purchasing, HR and Maintenance functions to effectively carryout day to day activities
Responsible for implementing VMOS standards, TPM initiatives, 5S initiatives and other continuous improvement activities.
Had effectively coordinated between the various departments right from the issue of raw material till the dispatch of finished products. The accountability of raw material and finished products in pipeline which were contributing a lion's share in the company's investment was improved and the control over the raw material was done systematically.

Technical Engineer (Design & Production, System supporting all Operations)
Dec. 2001- Sept. 2005
GEM Brightway Security Seals Pvt Ltd
Job Profile:
Design and parameter calculations for development of mold by using both manually and CAD software.
Plastic/FRP product design for commercial items, Packaging items, Polio caliber links, and modular toilets sub assemblies and FMCG products using CAD software.
Design and parameter calculations for development of mold by using both manually and CAD software.
Material and machine selection, to suit functionality and influencing of environment using specialized software.
Usage of C-Mold to verify moldability of plastic parts.
Drafting, sketching, detailing, solid and surface modeling using 2D and 3D surfaces.
Co-coordinating with tool makers and vendors
FRP processing using Epoxy and polyester resins.
Deputation Activities In Integral Coach Factory for Installation of FRP Toilets in Railway coaches.
Developing close relationships with key railway officials to get coach allotment, pre and post inspection, stores and railway security officials.
Meeting with railway officials and competitors to understand their requirement or improvements in the existing products.
Conceptualize and develop new products in FRP with the requirements of the Market in close co-ordination with counterparts in head office.
Fabricated product Quality checking and stock report of products of incoming goods, Tools and tackles.
Co-ordinate with the contractors and workers in onsite.
Installation and assembly of FRP modular toilets.
Cost control.
Man Management.

Future Goals

To secure a position as a plastics engineer in plastic industry and support the company by imparting my knowledge in Key operations of Engineering development, Production, equipment selection, and tooling selection support

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