Ref. No. : CA - 6852 - (Production Planning - Plastic Products and Processing – with 27.6 years in Plastic Industry)


Post Graduate Diploma In Plastics Processing Technology Through C.I.P.E.T. (1996-1997).
B.Sc. with Chemistry through Osmania University (1993-1996).

Skill Sets

Responsible for total Mould Shop & Assembly activities & system implementation.
Production Planning .
Manpower planning & utilization , guide & trained to Engineers & Supervisors .
ISO 9001-2000.
Quick mould change techniques.
Kaizen & 5S System.
MS office .

Work Experience

Senior Engineer -Mould Shop
Since January 2008
Company Profile : Leading component supplier to the telecom industry
Job Profile:
Responsible for total Mould Shop & Assembly activities & system implementation
Production Planning.
Manpower planning & utilization, guide & trained to Engineers & Supervisors.
Implement & maintain the Quality Systems and other standard engineering practices.
New machine & mould trials, and developments as per the customer requirement.
Attend the process trouble shooting & mould problems with preventive action.
Attending the review meetings with the respective departments along with the CEO & Director.
New Machine Erection, Commissioning & Installation.
Planning and Execution Of New Projects.
Coordinating the vendors, assessing the planning process.
Analysis of Productivity loss, Rejection loss & wastage of material & time(Down time & man Hours).
Attend as a co auditor in external ISO audit.
Prepare the Work Procedures, Control plans/SOP’s & it’s implementation.
Monitor the Daily Production Report and save the data systematically & present it as a nice manor.
Prepare the monthly report & Present in MRM.
Reporting to Production Manager & CEO.
Customer orientation and technical services.
Problem solving and process optimization with tools like RCA, SGA, DOE etc.
Interaction with customer & PPC for Troubleshooting, production planning.
Suggesting improvements in product quality to make it cost effective for the customer.
Develop some Assembly fixtures for Automation.
Complete all project with in the target by team work.

Production In charge
From April 06 to Dec 07
Allied Instruments Pvt.Ltd, Daman
Manufacturer & exporters of school & office stationery items , our brand known as Omega. Serves BOSS Appliances & Pigeon, Usha etc.
Responsibilities :
For Production, Quality & Maintenance Of Moulding Machines & Accessories .
Manpower Planning & Utilization, New Machine & Mould Trials, attend all major process trouble shooting of Machine & Moulds .
Reporting to GM & CEO

Production In charge
From Nov 2003 to Mar 2006.
Clear Plastics Ltd, Silvassa
A Hi-Tech plats division of injection & blow molding, serves for the esteemed peoples like HLL, Asian paints, P&G, AMWAY, DR.REDDY etc.
Responsible for total production and its implementation, process setting, trouble shooting, manpower planning, problem solving, decision making & educating the people about quality system & ISO 9001-2000.

Production In charge
From Aug. 2001 to Oct. 2003
Saptagiri Plastics Pvt. Ltd,
Responsible for total production, quality system and its implementation, on line quality checking and final problem solving, new mould trials, mould maintenance and machine maintenance, decision-making, guide and educating the production and Q.C people about quality system. And also looking Central Excise, Sales Tax Documentation like returns, and total accounts of company (with the help of our C.A). Making components for Ponds Flip Top Caps and Fuji Role Film Container and Cap.

Production Engineer
From June. 98 to July. 01
HBL Nife Power Systems Ltd, Hyderabad
Handling of injection moulding machines, process setting, Quality Control, active participation in shift activities, tacking trails for new moulds. Making components for Air Craft Batteries and for many Government Departments like Indian Railways and also leading Automobile industries.

Production Supervisor
From Aug. 97 to June. 98
Rikvin Floors Limited
Handling of calendaring process machine like two role mills, process setting, on inequality control, new shade development. Making PVC Flooring sheet and Tiles use in commercial and industrial flooring.

Machine Handled:
Injection molding machines
L&T Demag DL 60 to 180 , De tech-100 to 180(LNC 4 E), Aswa-60 , Ergotech-100 to350T.
Battenfeld CNP-160 , CN-75 ,100 , NN-300T
Chen Hsong make Jet Master series 128 to 468 tons.
Windsor makes SP series 130 and Sumo-100.
Electronica make EPM series up to 180 tons.

Material Handled:
Thermoplastics/Commodity Plastics With Engineering Polymers

Moulds Handled:
Multi cavity Moulds, Two Plate Moulds, Three Plate Moulds, Split Moulds, Hot Runner Moulds, semi hot runner moulds .

Future Goals

To obtain a responsible position in the organization where my capabilities can be fully utilized and where I can make a real contribution to my employer’s success.

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