Ref. No. : CA - 9156 - (Senior Admin and Projects – with 17.1 years in Plastic Industry)


M.S Manufacturing Management from BITS Pilani
2nd Year – 8.7 Till 2nd semester
B. Tech Rubber And Plastics Technology, Madras Institute Of Technology, Anna University With 80% In May 2007.

Skill Sets

Tool Transfer Development, Mold Development, Facility Planning, Packing, Material Handling, CAPEX Planning, Plant Layout, Development.

Work Experience

Senior Engineer - Production : Since Dec. 2009
Engineer - Development : Feb. 2008 - Dec. 2009
Company Profile: Leading manufacturers of Auto Component.
Job Profile:
Feasibility study
Developing the process flow, creation of operation layout
Machine and tool selection
Selection of Containers for components for internal and external Packing
Space optimization.
Commissioning and prove out of the machines procured
Establishing the manufacturing cells
Material handling equipments
Member in Cross Functional Team (CFT) for Specific tasks such as Root cause analysis, etc
Responsible for designing the conceptual plan for the future factory layout
Man Machine Cycle Time studies and optimization
Responsible for Facility Planning for new projects.
Implementation of new products from molding to assembly.
Source identification and selection for facilities.
Packing of new components and internal packing of parts.
TS16949 documentation activities.
Implement automation across the production line.

Significant Achievements:
Successful establishment of parts development and timely completion of projects Hyundai (i10) & (i20) Projects.
Part of CFT and NPD Teams for I10 and I20 projects.
Implemented 6 Engineering changes for Housing glove box in I20 Development.
Involved in the development of Figo Pull cup.
Implemented Samsung products with Laser cutting, Painting printing and assembly.
Implemented online assembly of Components reducing 6 man-powers and improving productivity from 40 to 60 sets/Hr – Savings –Rs. 5.04 Lakhs p.a.
Implemented Bar-coding, Kanban for assembled parts.
Implemented Pallet Live System increased the storage capacity of raw material stores from 9 tons to 30 tons with no increase in storage space.
Implemented Hot melting, Vibration welding and Ultrasonic welding for Plastics parts.

Programmer Analyst Trainee - Testing
July 2007 - Feb. 2008
Company Profile: One of the leading provider of information technology, consulting and business process outsourcing services
Job Profile:
Involved in the testing team for CDO website

Technical Knowledge:
Knowledge in Automotive interior & exterior, Appliance plastics painting process.
Knowledge in feasibility of production in Plastic automotive parts.
Knowledge in Special M/C process (Vibration welding, Ultrasonic welding, Heat stacking Screen Printing)
Knowledge in Packaging design and costing, Storage system design and planning.
Knowledge in Part costing, Space cost, packing and freight cost of components.

System Knowledge:
VAATZ: Value Advanced Automotive Trade Zone
Production Plan, BOM, Purchase Order, QIR, Vendor Rating and parts details information communicate to supplier through this system.
Knowledge in ISO/TS 16949:2002 Quality Management System.
Knowledge in SAP
Knowledge in CATIA

Trainings Undergone:
World Class Manufacturing at BMW, Chennai
ISO/TS16949 awareness Program
7 QC Tools training.

Future Goals

To be a part of the company enriching the company and me in terms of value, knowledge and relationship. To be a part of the team making the growth of the company.

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