Ref. No. : CA - 7241 - (Purchase – with 22.8 years in Plastic Industry)


Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Full Time) From Madura Kamaraj University 2002/ First With Distinction 76%
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering From SRM Polytechnic 1999 First with Honors 87%.

Skill Sets

Computer Skill:
Windows 2000 & Windows Xp, Microsoft Excel, MS Word, PowerPoint, Autocad – 2000
Capable of working and problem solving for company owned PDM Tools.
Development also supported to various quality management system certifications like Q1 Audit, Supplier Audit, conducting process Audit, product audit, layout Audit.
Certified lead Auditor for ISO 9001:2000 by Quality Council of India.
Certifed on Plastic product Design and Development ( CIPET) Central institute of plastics
Expecting your positive reply

Work Experience

Senior Engineer
Since April 2008
Company Profile: Leading automobile manufacturer
Job Responsibility:
Responsible for Global Sourcing ( Interior and Exterior plastics)
Raising RFQ for new supplier and involving in technical Review
Developing the part as per ANPQP process.
Providing services within company for PDM Tools
Involved in supplier Audit and follow up
currently handling for global sourcing interior parts.
Involved in supplier Run @Rate at the time of PSW.
Currently handling two suppliers with 7 parts.

Senior Engineer – New product development
From March 07 To March 08
Job Responsibility:
Developing the part for North America Visteon as per Visteon APQP system VSAMS.
Reviewing PSW documents for North American, Asia pacific suppliers for Engineering change submission.
Responsible for Developing and Maintaining QMS for New product development and PSW review as management Representative.
Responsible for Developing Plastic parts Interior and Exteriors
Responsible for system related Training to all the Employees.
Completed PSW for 9 parts with Two suppliers
Leading and conducting the APQP review meeting every week supplier wise.

Quality Assurance Engineer
From Feb-06 To Feb-07
Motherson Automative Techonologies Ltd ( Manufacture & Supply of Door Trim Parts, Injection moulded parts with painting- Tier 1 Supplier for Ford)
Job Responsibility:
Overall Managing of Product Quality & Quantity from Incoming Raw Material to Final Product.
Developing the Suppliers in terms of Identifying New Source, assistance for QMS implementation.
Identifying High Impact Supplier & continuous monitoring for Improvement.
Conducting Process Audit, System Audit for Supplier & Assisting for closing the NC observed in the Audit.
Rating the existing suppliers in order to Quality and Delivery of the products.
Involving with suppliers for any Engineering Changes in the Existing Part.
Implementing 5S, PPAP, FMEA, SPC at supplier End & within the Factory.
New Process implementation and real time monitoring.
Assistance for Q1, MS 9000 Certification.
Monitoring In process Quality and taking necessary Corrective & Preventive actions for the process Rejections
Identifying the Critical Parameters and Conducting SPC for those Parameters.
Maintaining the records in PPM for In-house Rework & Rejections and taking necessary Corrective & Preventive actions to minimize the rejection & rework rate.
Maintaining the records in PPM for Customer end Receiving & Line Rejections and taking necessary Corrective & Preventive actions.
Handling Customer complaints and taking necessary Corrective & Preventive actions.
Assistance for Internal Auditor Training & Internal Audit for ISO TS 16949

Certified Lead Auditor for ISO 9001:2000
Certified Internal Auditor for ISOTS 16949:2002, ISO14001: 2004
Foundation Course on Mechanical Design (AutoCAD 2002,Pro/E2001)
Certified Software Testing Professional CSTP.
Certified Plastic Product Design and Mould Design in CIPET –Chennai
Having Exposure to Automobile Plastics part design in CATIA V5.

Quality management System Consultant
From July 02-Jan 06
Nathan & Nathan Consultants
Job Responsibility:
Developing and Implementing Systems in line with ISO 9001:2000, 14001:2004, OHSAS, ISO/TS 16949:2002, HACCP, API29001, MS9000.
Conducting Awareness Training, Internal Audit, Internal Auditors Training.
Preparing Quality System Manual & Quality System Procedures.
Preparing Work Instructions, Control Plan and Standard Operating Procedures.
Defining Process Measurable for Identified Process within Quality Management System.

Future Goals

To attain a challenging position in an organization which permits technical and professional growth and thereby delivering efficiently.

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