Ref. No. : CA - 167 - (Information Technology – with 24 years in Plastic Industry)


Diploma with Plastic Engineering (After 12th Science) from Govt. Polytechnic, Ahmedabad, passed with distinction in 1997.

Skill Sets

(A) Took training in “Milton Plastic Industries”, Halol, as a part of Sandwich Course System of Technical Examinations Board, Gandhinagar which is the examining body.
(B) Took training in “Polymech Plast M/C Ltd.” Baroda, as a part of Sandwich Course System of Technical Examinations Board, Gandhinagar which is the examining body.

Work Experience

Started my own computer training institute cum communication centre and established as one of the successful centres in the area.

Engineer in charge of the factory (production cum Administrative)
From March 1999 to March 2003,
At Paras Containers, Halol.
Manufacturers of Plastic Water & Chemical storage tanks, Textile trolleys, Drums etc.

Production Engineer.
From November 1998 to March 1999
joined JEWEL BRUSHES PVT. LTD., Vadodara
A well-known company having permanent contract with Hindustan Lever Limited (HLL) for tooth brush manufacturing. There I worked on Mafatlal Nigata, Cincinnati Milacron, Mafatlal Demag make fully automatic Injection Moulding Machines.

Marketing trainee.
From January 1998 to October 1998, I have worked with Polymechplast Machines Ltd. POLYMECHPLAST Machines Ltd.” manufactures “GOLD COIN” BRAND MACHINERY. Mainly they are in the field of Injection Moulding & Blow Moulding machines. There I worked as a Testing Engineer. Period : June 1997 - November 1997.

Milton Plastic Industries” is a well known organisation manufacturing thermo ware and other allied products. I worked as a Processing Engineer there.Period : June 1996 - November 1996

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