Ref. No. : CA - 3373 - (Designers - Dies & Tools – with 27.6 years in Plastic Industry)


BA English Literature in IGNOU- Dec 2006.
Technical education
Certificate In Tool and Die Making in NTTF - 1995 98

Skill Sets

Skilled Softwares

Work Experience

CAD Engineer
Since Aug. 07
Involved in Design modification works of Moulds for NOKIA in mould wizard using Unigraphics NX3.0 and ProE (Pro Mould).
Design data management in Pro-Intralink.
To support CAM dept, with Vericut of CAM program.
Exposure in FMEA
Training attended for ESI & ESI report making; NST Mold design procedure.
Have exposure to all standards used for NOKIA molds and Mold structure.

Sr. Design Officer.
Dec 03 to Aug 07
Gedee Technical Training Institute
Involved in imparting Design training to Post Diploma trainees of tool Designing using Promould, and AutoCAD.
Handled trainees of Tool and Die engineering for CNC Milling & Turning, (Fanuc and Siemens controls) and assisted them fore external project works and job orders of CNC works.
Design works of Press Tools, Jigs and fixtures & designed Moulds using AutoCAD 2005 and Pro-Modeling, Surfacing, and Core cavity splitting for External Projects.
Also handled theory in Workshop technology and CAD/CAM, Keller CNC software & Delcam software. Course co-coordinator for CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) CNC training program for girls.

From Oct 02 to Nov 03
SUBA PLASTICS - Well experienced in Pro-Modeling, Surface modeling, Core & Cavity splitting and electrode extraction for Components for Pricol (Speedometer components)
Designing injection moulds and Press tools, using AutoCAD; Attended design reviews and trials of completed moulds. Aware of Design Documentation as per ISO standards.
Electrode planning and extraction for its machining using the 3Dmodel.
Used Mould flow analysis Part advisor in ProE, before designing the moulds.

Designer Engineer
from May 98 to Oct 00
Worked with SUHITH INFO RESOURCES- External Job orders in ProE surface and Solid modeling, Core and cavity splitting.
Job works of Tool and mould designs using Pro E and AutoCAD.

from May 98 to Oct 00
Worked with PLASTO MEK - Using AutoCAD, Complete assembly Design of SPMs (Automatic Capacitor Forming and Solder Dipping Machine) and supply to KELTRON.
Designs of small Press tool, moulds, Jigs and fixtures for the components of the SPM
Manufacturing sketches for parts of SPMs and its sub Assembly drgs and Complete detailing.
Alteration designs of SPM parts.
Hands on experience in all conventional machining too.

Aug 97 to Feb 98
Worked with PRICOL- Experience in manufacturing of press tools and moulds for Speedometer components, Maintenance work of Moulds and press tools, Machining hours in Conventional machines.

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