Ref. No. : CA - 16984 - (R&D - Raw Material – with 14.2 years in Plastic Industry)


M.Tech. Degree in Plastic Technology From Central Institute Of Plastics Engineering & Technology, Lucknow With Honours

M.Sc. in Material Chemistry (Polymer) From Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi in  2003  With First Division 

B.Sc. From C.C.S University in 1999 With Second Division 

Skill Sets

Processing of bamboo composite laminates
EVA Bamboo composite laminates sheet 
Chemical treatement of bamboo
Cost reduction of laminates
New  machinery design
Research & Development of plastic material.
Knowledge of handling DSC, TGA and other testing instruments. 
Efficient knowledge in Testing of Plastic Materials, Additives & Compounding & blending of Polymers.
Knowledge of managerial skills.
Testing of Mechanical, Thermal, Electrical, Optical properties of plastic materials & product.
Practical experience in Plastics processing techniques 

Basic knowledge of computer
Industrial training of analytical instruments handling.
Processing and designing of plastic products.
Knowledge of managerial skills

Determination and confidence and punctuality.
Enjoys working with utmost sincerity
Interpersonal skills
Bears and ordered & Logical approach towards work

Work Experience

Research Experience:
preparation and  characterization  of EBSC beams and colums  for low cost housing   … DST  project at  IIT DELHI 
Bamboo  MDI  composites  laminates … nmba  project IIT delhi
Fabrication and Assessment of Cellular light weight Bamboo composite wall Panels for the Application in Housing Sanjay Kumar, Dr. V.M Chariar  Bamboo composite Lab CRDT, IIT  Delhi 
One year  research  experince  in  high  performance polymer  from sustainable resourses, Jamia Millia Islamia

Paper Published:
Higherformance paints from sustainable resources’ Indian journal of chemical technology 2005 
Fabrication and testing of various configurations of Engineered Bamboo Structural Elements for deployment as columns and beams, Sanjay Kumar, S Ramesh Sakthivel, V M Chariar and P Sudhakar, 6th International Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC’6), organised by American Society of Civil Engineers, Cairo, Egypt, June 28-30, 2010. 
Starch  TPS  nanocomposites application in fuel tank international conference poly 2008 IIT delhi
Starch  TPS  nanocomposites and its biodegdradable study AICTE Confrence  published 2008
Halogen Free treatment procedure for imparting fire retardant to Bamboo, Naresh Kumar Sharma, Sanjay Kumar and V M Chariar, Summit on Sustainable Habitat 
Incorporating 3rd International Conference on Modern Bamboo Structures, New Delhi, December 9–11, 2011.
Engineered Bamboo Structural Elements for Housing, Sanjay Kumar, Naresh Kumar Sharma and V M Chariar, Summit on Sustainable Habitat - Incorporating 3rd International Conference on Modern Bamboo Structures, New Delhi, December 9–11, 2011
Sandeep Kumar, Sanjay Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, S J A Rizvi,  Mechanical and Morphological Characterization of Bamboo and Azadirachta Indica Leaf Flour Based Polypropylene Composites, Second International Conference on Natural Polymers, Bio-Polymers, Bio-Materials, their Composites, Blends, IPNs, Polyelectrolytes and Gels: Macro to Nano Scales (ICNP-2010), Kottayam, Kerala, India, September 24-26, 2010.

Minor Project Experience:
Fabrication and Testing of Jute Reinforced Engineered Bamboo Structural Elements" July 2009 (IITD)
"Fabrication and Testing of Engineered Bamboo Composites"July 2009(IITD)
"Instrumentation for Waterless Urinals and Electricity from Anthropogenic Waste at Centre for Rural Development and Technology "July 2009 (IITD)
"Fabrication and testing of Bamboo: Polymer Laminates"(IITD)
"Characterisation of a Biodegradable Antimicrobial Paint for Water less Urinals"
January 2009(IITD)
"Processing and characterization (physical and antimicrobial) of hybrid eco-composite incorporating bamboo flour, polypropylene, starch & neem flour" January 2009(IITD)
Bamboo-PP Composites: Thermos mechanical & Tensile studies" (IITD)
Bamboo composites  laminates   (IITD)
Bamboo EVA  composites laminates   (IITD) 
Design  and development  of  odourles  trap for urinal   ( Patent Technology )   work as a
team member   IIT DELHI  and  UNICEF 
Bamboo  epoxy composites  laminates   
Starch  TPS  nano composites and biodegradab lestudy ( CIPET LUCKNOW )
High performance paints from  sustainable   resources  jamia millia islamia  

Workshop and Events:
Organized Worksho about low cost bamboo machinery and skills generation  at  Nagpur,Khammam (Andhra Pradesh) funded by DST 
Rural artician litracy about the bamboo at IIT delhi
Presented research at IITD open house Fabrication and Assessment of Cellular light weight Bamboo composite wall Panels for the Application in Housing Sanjay Kumar,Dr. V.M Chariar  Bamboo composite Lab CRDT , IIT  Delhi 2013
Presented research at IITD open house of Jute Reinforced Engineered Bamboo Structural Elements"
Summit on Sustainable Habitat, New Delhi, December 9-11, 2011
National Workshop on Rural Housing Knowledge Network, MoRD and IIT Delhi, July 16, 2012
Southern Regional Workshop on Rural Housing, MoRD and IIT Delhi, March 1-2, 2012
One day Workshop on Hind Swaraj : Contemporary Relevance, IIT Delhi, November 2, 2009

Industrial Colabrative Work Experience:
Six  month  experience   of machine designing  of special purpose machine  “ intek  polymer bahadurgarth   with  dr . ashok gupta 
Bambo composites  with different polymers  ‘ vinpoly nariana delhi  with  mr . vipin sharma
One Working experience with Dr.P Sudhakar and Harita Khammam AP

Quality testing of material and product, machine designing, injection and  compression molding

Area Of Interest:
Research & Development Department for new products 
Polymer Testing Laboratory.
Polymer Processing Industries.
Teaching  of  chemical processing  and technology
Bamboo composite 
Bamboo laminates
Bamboo composite light weight cellular composite

Determination and confidence and punctuality.
njoys working with utmost sincerity
Interpersonal skills
Bears and ordered & Logical approach towards work

Future Goals

To seek a challenging opportunity to enhance my technical skills & ability with composite materials and chemical field to the best of my potential & caliber

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