Ref. No. : CA - 24459 - (R&D - Raw Material – with 16.1 years in Plastic Industry)


M.Pharma (Pharma Chemistry) From Utkal University in 2011

B.Pharma (Pharmacy) From Sambalpur University in 2006

H.S.C. From NAC College, Rourkela, Odisha in 2001 with 52%

S.S.C. From OSAP High School, Rourkela, Odisha in 1998 with 73%

Skill Sets

XRD - Pan Analyt
Electrospun - GLASSMAN
Hardness Test -  2 TONN
HPLC - schimadzu

Work Experience

Research Scholar - Chemistry: Since Aug 2014
Project Fellow - Dept. of Biotechnology & Medical Engineering : Dec 2012 to July 2014
Chemical Analyst (Project)- Dept. of  Metallurgy & Materials Engineering: April 2010 to May 2012
Company Profile: Leading Regional Engineering College
Job Profile:
Responsible for analytical method development for RM, FP samples. 
Responsible for evaluation and implementation of CGLP requirements in laboratory. 
Responsible for calibration of the instruments according to the master calibration schedule and it's documentation contemporaneously. 
Responsible for material characterisation through Uv-Vis, HPLC, XRD, SEM, TEM, TGA, DSC, Instrn testing, Particle size analyser, etc. 
Responsible for arrangements for cell culture (animal cell, stem cell), processing and its biological and microbial evaluation. 
Polymer synthesis, modification and fictionalisation of natural and synthetic biocompatible polymer.
Responsible for testing and evaluation of RM/RP and generation of data(Certificate of Analysis) 

Medical Sales Representative
May 2007 to Sept 2008
Company Profile: Manufacturers and Exporters of Pharmaceutical Formulations.

Clinical Assistance
Aug 2006 to Mar 2007
Company Name: Private Clinic

Technology Adopted:
Technique: Biomaterial Synthesis (Organic and Inorganic), Formulation of Nano-micro sphere (Polymeric, Crosslinked Hydrogel), Colloidal synthesis, Nano Fiber technology, Surface modification, Animal and Stem Cell Culture, Electrospun machine (20 KV), Jet Spin, Spray drying, Solvent evaporation, micro emultion, Top-Up and Bottem-Down Processing. 
Bio-analytical: Uv-Vis, RT-PCR (AB System), ELISA (ELX-800), Biochemical analyser (Evolution 3000), HPLC (Shimadzu and Biorad - D - 10), Fluorescence (Horiba), CD, NMR, FTIR

S.C. Mishra, S. Sahoo, "Analysis of Nifedipine Microsphere", ISBN- 978-3-659-22293-1, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG, 2012.

National/international Journals: 
Ajit Behera, Asit Behera, S C Mishra, S Pani and P Parida, Air jet erosion test on plasma sprayed surface by varying erodent impingement pressure and impingement angle, 2015 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 75 012004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/75/1/012004., "Development and characterization of ethylcellulose based microsphere for sustained release of nifedipine" JPHA210, Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Elsevier,

Subash Chandra Mishra, Subha Prakash Tripathy, Simple Spectrophotometric Method Validation of Nifedipine Solid Dosage Form, Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, ScopeMed, Manuscript ID:14243-54GJ221013.

Dinesh M. Pardhi, Vivek I. Ramteke, Nilesh G. Chudhari, Patitapabana Parida and Ajit Behera, "Formulation development and compatibility study of of loxacin ophthalmic solution in various packaging containers", Elixir Chem. Phys. Letters 65 (2013) 19821-19824.

Niraj Babu, Bibhukalyan Prasad Nayak, Rohit Raj, and Ajit behera "Modification of Fibroins: Approaches to get optimised scaffolds for musculoskeletal tissue engineering" Research and Reviews: Journal of Material Sciences, Volume I, Issue 2, October-December, E-ISSN:2321-6212 2013, p-25-30.
S.C. Mishra "Synthesis, Cross linking & Evaluation of Graft Polymer for Biomedical Use", Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, Volume 3, Issue 1, April 2012, PP - 37-45(ISO 9001: 2008 Certified, ISSN: 2229-7006). 

S.C. Mishra "Determination of Physical
Characteristics of Nifedipine Microsphere", OJP/ISSN 0974-8202, Vol. 18, August 2011, pp. 221-225.

Ajit Behera, Subash Chandra Mishra, Classification of Bio materials used in Medicine, (IJAAS),Vol.1, No.3, Month 2012, ISSN: 2252-8814, pp. 31-35.

Ajit Behera, Jyoti Prakash Dhal, Patitapabana Parida, S.C Mishra, "Phase Analysis of Ni-Mn-Sn Ferromagnetic Shape memory alloys", International Journal of Current Research and Review, Vol 04, issue 09, 2012, pp.143-147. 

S.C. Mishra, S. Sahoo "FTIR Spectroscopic
identification & invitro Drug Interaction study",2012, IJPSR/E-ISSN 2229-4619. 

Kundan Joshi, Ravi Dadsena, Patitapabana Parida, Bibhukalyan Prasad Nayak Fabrication and Characterization of a Perfusion Bioreactor for Interface Tissue Engineering, International Research Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology, IRCRAET 2014

S P Tripathy, S C Mishra, "Drug Release Profile of Aripiprazole Mouth Dissolving Polymeric Formulation", Fourth Conference on Recent Advances in Polymer Technology, March 2-3, 2012, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon-425001 (M.S.). 

Ajit Behera, S.C Mishra and P. Parida, "corrosion sensing smart polymeric coatings", Fourth Conference on Recent Advances in Polymer Technology, March 2-3, 2012, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon-425001 (M.S.).

S P Tripathy, S C Mishra, Ajit Behera, " Utilization and Investigation of Polymer in Drug Industry", 3rd International conference on Advancement in polymeric Materials (APM), 2012, Central Institute of plastic engineering & Technology, Bhubaneswar-751024.

Ajit Behera, S.K.Swain and S.C. Mishra, "Characterization of nanoparticle through SEM, FTIR, XRD, & DSC", National Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials (NCPCM-2011), Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, 2-3 December 2011, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Dec-2011. 

D. Dash, Ajit Behera and S.C. Mish, "Preparation and characterization of Graft biopolymer to improve sustained release property", National Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials (NCPCM-2011), Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, 2-3 December 2011, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Dec-2011.

Journals Communicated: Technique exploring poly-e-caprolactone based aligned electrospinning nanofibre techniques. (Communicated). Synthesis and surface modification of titanium based biomaterial in orthopedic implants (Communicated) 

Central Library of IIT Kharagpur is organizing a "Author Workshop" by Springer (India) Private Limited. The workshop theme is "To help authors to write quality manuscripts that will be attractive to SCI indexed journals", 12th February, 2014.

Audit Faced:
National Board of Accreditation (INDIA)

Future Goals


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