Ref. No. : CA - 5844 - (Production - Dies & Tools – with 26.4 years in Plastic Industry)


Post Diploma in Plastic Mould Design.(CIPET).Chennai Aug 2000-May 2001
Diploma in Plastic Mould Design in year the 2001.
(6 Months course) Diploma in AutoCad, India . 2001
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from in the year 1997 and also completed in Post Diploma in Mechanical engineering with first class from R.V.S Polytechnic Dindigul., Tamilnadu. Jun 1994 to Apr 1997

Computer Knowledge
AutoCAD R-2000 and all MS office softwares.

Skill Sets

Manufacturing and Maintenance of all types of Injection moulds including hot runner moulds.

Work Experience

Mould Maker
Mar 2003 to till date
Company Profile : Construction of complex automotive, as well as medical moulds. Through specialization and usage of hi High end equipment it guarantees tolerances to 5 micron in precision moulds. Quality and precision plastic manufacturer. It has been awarded with following certifications: ISO 9001, QS 9000. Customers of the company HP, Canon, MK Electrical, sony. With to date five specialized mould making companies in Malaysia and China.
Job Profile
Study the mould design and order the raw materials
Electrode planning and forward to manufacturing
Prepare the drawings for all conventional machines.
Allotting jobs for machines follow up machining activities and arranging jobs for heat treatment process.
Quality checks after machining and heat treatment process polish the core, cavities and sub inserts if needed.
Sure the core cavity dimensions and do the fitting ,matching and Assemble the mould.
Sending moulds for testing.
Post tool-testing modifications, rectifications if needed.
Modifications and rectifications as per customer requirement if there is any product design changes.
Sending mould cavity inserts for texturing, if required after customer approves the tool.

Mould Maker
Oct 2001to Feb 2003
Worked with Vivin Engineering.Coimbatore.India
Nature of work : Plastic Mould Making
Company Profile
Vivin Engineering is a commercial tool room manufacturers of all types of injection moulds and compression and Blow moulds.. Products manufactured here are commercial and engineering types. Customers :- PRICOL, LMW, LPT
Job Profile:
Tool drawing study and material order to store
Electrode planning and designing.
Plan and prepare detailed sketches for machining of sub tool parts. Operate all conventional machines (lathe, milling, grinding).
Allotting jobs for machines follow up machining activities and arranging jobs for heat treatment process.
Quality checks after machining and heat treatment process.
Sending tool inserts for polishing.
Assembly and bench work.
Sending moulds for testing
Post tool-testing modifications, rectifications if needed.
Modifications and rectifications as per customer requirement if there is any product design changes.
Sending mould cavity inserts for texturing, if required after customer approves the tool.
Take care of every tool up to 5.000 products and hand over to production shop

Mould Maker
Feb 1998 to Aug 2000
Worked with Kar Moulds Chennai-India
Nature of work : Plastic Mould Making
Company Profile
KAR moulds is a commercial tool room manufacturers of all types of injection moulds and compression moulds. Specialized in hot runner moulds. Products manufactured here are commercial and engineering types.
Customers :- Titan-Watch mfrs., Brawn-Elec.accessories mfrs, Smith, Good knight-Household Manufacturer
Job Profile
Studying mould drawing and ordering materials.
Electrode planning and scheduling for machining.
Planning and prepare detailed sketches for machining of sub tool parts >operation in all conventional machines (lathe, milling, grinding).
Fitting and matching work & Assy.
Sending moulds for testing.
Post tool-testing modifications, rectifications if needed.

Future Goals

To be an expert in the area of Mould Making.

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