Ref. No. : CA - 2939 - (Production – with 28.2 years in Plastic Industry)


Qualification : 3 Years Diploma In (Mechanical) Engg
Board / Institution : U.P.B.T.E
Year of passing : 1996
Division / Percentage : 1st

Qualification : 10 + 2
Board / Institution : U.P. Board
Year of passing : 1992
Division / Percentage : IInd

Skill Sets

Self motivated, hard working and optimistic.
Likes to take challenging job assignments and add value towards growth of the organization.

Work Experience

Period : December 1996 Till Date
Organization : Presently working at a leading company
Present Role : Engineer PPC
Company brief : The company is a pioneer in automotive equipment manufacturing. Having turnover of Rs. 550 crore (2006-07) and poised for an annual growth rate of 20%. The market leader in automobile products having major customers like Maruti-Suzuki, Honda, Ford, Hero Honda, New Holland, Tata, M&M, Ford etc. The company is exporting to various European, Gulf and American markets.

Work profile:
Production Planning & Control (PPC)
(6 years: Dec 96 To Sep 02)
Preparation of production plan based on customer requirement such as DI’s & customer vehicle production plan on fortnightly basis.
Preparation of Process Stock for Machine Shop and Forge Shop.
Release of production plan based on line capacity of each product to concerned departments.
Planning of material required for production based on production targets & material consumption.
Follow-up with materials department for timely delivery and to meet production targets.
To keep daily tack of materials inventory required for smooth flow of assy line.
Responsible for release and control of bill of material of all products finished and semifinished items.
MIS report generation like plan vs actual,customer schedules vs supply daily and periodically (fortnightly & monthly) OEE report.
Inventory control through computerisation of vendor schedules. Setting of inventory norms i.e. Min & max.
Co-ordination with sales & despatch department & customer for on time delivery.

To achieve the production targets & handling customer complaints and take counter measures wherever necessary.
Setting of machines.
Daily production reporting.
Continous improvements steps for increase in productivity and quality.
Documentation work related to ISO TS-16949.
Working on TPM
Problem solving by using 7QC tools.
Preparation and Display of Control Charts
To reduce rejection, scrap and rework levels during production process and maintaining 5-s rule in the shopfloor.
Analysis and trouble shooting of various technical problems during operation.
Kaizen activities with cost saving.

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