Ref. No. : CA - 11362 - (Marketing Sales Service - Plastics Products – with 24.1 years in Plastic Industry)


M.B.A completed in year 2010, major in Sales & Marketing Management from MPBHOJ.
Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM) passed in the year 1998 from Bhopal University, Bhopal.
H.S.C in 1993 from MP Board, Bhopal.
S.S.L.C in 1990 from MP Board, Bhopal.

Skill Sets

All Basic Computer Skills And Management Sets.

Work Experience

Sr Sales Officer
Since July 2010
Company Profile: Manufacturers, Exporters, Suppliers, Wholesalers, Distributors and Traders for extensive variety of shade and netting structures
Job Profile:
Handling Sales And Distribution Of Products Dealers / Dealership Networks Of Differrent States / Territories In Wholesale
Having Major Reposibilities To Manage And Increase Sales Produts For Sales Promotion.
And Also Reponsible For Company Old O.S Amt And New Orders Payments.
Increase the sales and growth of products for the company.
Market search and survey, product analysis, sales analysis monthly/quartly basis review
Good and healthy relationship with Clients in the market
Dealer network handling and generate the sales
Productive sales and Profitable business for the company by the imp Visits of clients
Handling existing clients and generate new sound and good parties
Regular follow ups and cont touch with the our clients
Increase the sales growth and business profits, continuous flow of products –materials.
Distribution and Manage of the Materials to the respected party.
Making strategy for developing potential market.& To achieve the sales target.
Visit all the different area of our potential market and follow up the customer and convince for the product.
Planning and Execution of the Materials with Branded Product Price, Quality and Quantity.
Proper analysis of Product along with Market Share % and getting Systematic Orders from Strong Sound & Efficient Client

Sr Sales Officer
May 2007 To June 2010
Company Profile: Leading Mfrs & Supplier Of Quality Rubber Products

Sr Sales Executive
Mar 2004 To Apr 2007
Charu Agro Plast India Pvt Ltd.

Sales Executive
Jan 2000 To Dec 2003
Float Glass India Ltd

Future Goals

To work in a challenging & dynamic environment to keep value of my-self & simultaneously contribute to growth & success of organization where professional & enthusiasms is recognized.

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