Ref. No. : CA - 12796 - (Finance – with 18.1 years in Plastic Industry)


Finance (Finance - Wealth Management) from S. P. Jain Centre of Management in 2008 to 2009

Bachelor of Engineering
Major: Textile Technology from Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Baroda in 2002 to 2006.

Skill Sets

Marketing, Business Development, Market Expansion, Client Aquisition

Work Experience

Senior Manager – Business Development
April 2009 Till Date
Company Profile : A leading Manufacturer and supplier of wide range of high quality 3 Layer Printed Flexible Packaging products used in various industries.
Job Profile :
Oversee the management and coordination of all fiscal reporting activities for the organization including: organizational revenue/expense and balance sheet reports, reports to funding agencies, development and monitoring of organizational and contract/grant budgets.
Oversee Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable and ensure a disaster recovery plan is in place.
Monitor banking activities of the organization.
Provide the Directors with an operating budget. Work with the management to ensure programmatic success through cost analysis support, and compliance with all contractual and programmatic requirements.
Participate in developing new business, specifically: assist the management in identifying new funding opportunities, the drafting of prospective programmatic budgets, and determining cost effectiveness of prospective service delivery.
Ensure adequate controls are installed and that substantiating documentation is approved and available such that all purchases may pass independent and governmental audits.
Provide analytical support to evaluate potential pricing changes.
Ensure adequate cash flow to meet the organization's needs.
Looked after bank's various Trade Finance (Import-Export) transactions of the company with optimum cost.
Achievements :
Grew the company’s revenues at a CAGR of 30 % for a period over 4 years
Successfully undertook expansion project with Concentric Diversification through significant expanding of human & financial resources
Formulated a profitable inventory management strategy to capitalise and handle price fluctuations in crude oil prices

Business Associate
Oct 2007 to May 2008
Job Profile :
Studied, learned and understood the business engaged in manufacturing of polythene bags used for industrial packaging purpose
Monitored the Commercial, Investment and Operational activities
Conducted market analysis and designed a feasible product pricing strategy for the company
Achievements :
Improved the Supply Chain and Vendor Relationships to increase operational efficiency
Designed a customised basket of plastic packaging products for Amul Dairy Co-Op., Gujarat which was implemented for a wide range of products
Effectively devised efficient & systematic strategy for Market Development

Service Engineer (Textile Machinery Division)
June 2006 to Oct. 2007
Voltas Limited (A TATA Enterprise)
Company Profile : In The Manufacture of room / split air conditioners, industrial air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, water coolers, commercial refrigerators, visicoolers and freezers, cranes, and construction equipment. All these products bear the stamp of state-of-the-art plant, machinery and processes, resulting in consistently high quality and reduced costs.
Job Profile :
Managed activities like commissioning, technical consulting and executing textile projects
Supervised a team of 25 people responsible for installation works of the project
Provided specialized services to large scale textile projects across India
Achievements :
Reduced the installation time of new projects by adopting better techniques
Improved the quality of yarn produced by setting up quality related parameters in Rotocraft Compact Spinning systems of Switzerland and reduced the erection time of LR/6 AX Auto-doffer Ring-frame machines from 15 days to 11 days

Future Goals

Expertise in Flexible Packaging Industry

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