Ref. No. : CA - 29358 - (Dispatch Stores Logistics & Commercial – with 5.4 years in Plastic Industry)


PG Certification course (CAD CAM) from MIT, Pune, in February 2016.
B.Tech. Mechanical fromVisvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur 5.68/10 in 2008-2014(Winter)
H.S.S.C. f4rom Dharampeth Sci. College, Nagpur.Maharashtra State Board in 2007
S.S.C. from St.Xavier’s High School. Maharashtra State Board in 2005

Skill Sets

Computer Skills:
Matlab ( simulink ), ( many small applications as required )
Ansys (introductory), MoldFlow (introductory)
CAD/CAM: Catia, NX/UG, Solidworks, Creo, ProE (Creo),
Basic programming skills/logic ( C++, Matlab)
Photoshop, After Effects, (other Adobe Products ), OCR software, etc..
MS Office, ( General basics of computer hardware and software )

Work Experience

store in-charge
period- October 2019 to present
company profile- provide innovative management solutions
job profile-
Have experience in supply chain management
Is responsible for companies material handling, (purchase, store, dispatch, record maintenance)

Work Experience: 2 Years
4 weeks vacation training at Koradi power plant training center,Koradi — (Nov-Dec 2010) • Plastic woven sack manufacturing, Lohia training center Kanpur— (15 day July 2013) - various machines and auxiliary units- operation process, maintenance
Final year project:
Study, Modeling & Simulation (simulink) of Magneto rheological damper in Quarter car model
Quarter car equations of ordinary damper system and MR damper were simulated using simulink in matlab and compared on basis of effectiveness
Identified method to implement and control MR damper in a car (quarter car model)

Objective of application: -
Getting a steady job- clerical, admin, supervisor, lower level management.Where I can best use my skill set.
Ready to join immediately

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