Pursuing B.Tech (Mechanical Engg.)(3 years) From Karnataka State University (Distance Learning)
Diploma in Plastics Technology (3 years) From
Central Institute Of Plastics Engg. & Technology
(CIPET), Bhopal in Year July 2010 To June 2013 With 88%
Matriculation (10th) From C.B.S.E in Year 2008 With 65%
Good at human relations, good decision maker, ability to work under pressure and good team player. Self motivated enthusiastic to learn & quest for learning & exploring. I keep optimistic view against the problem solving and posses good interpersonal skills. Willingness to take up the challenging works.
Technician Fellow
From Jan 2014 To Present
Company Name: Vocational Training Center
Trainee Assistant Officer
From July To Dec 2013
Company Name: Neocorp International Ltd
Job Responsibilities :
Conducting & coordinating various Vocational Skill development Training Programme to train industry persons & skilled labours, and Machine operators as per Plastics & Allied industries requirement in the field of Plastics Processing & Plastics Product Testing.
The training is Provided on Plastics Processing Machines like Microprocessor Controlled PET Stretch Blow Moulding Machines MWF-1200, Automatic Injection Molding Machine Models – EPM 180, SP-130T, Engel-80T, Polo Smart-250T, Ferromatic Milacron ,Magna 275 T, JSW-110T, Extrusion Machines (Kabra, Windsor) etc.
Achievements :
Successfully trained 320 skilled operators in field of Plastics Processing Machine Operator & Injection Moulding Machine Operator.
Technical Skills
Plastics Processing:
Microprocessor Controlled PET Stretch Blow Moulding Machines MWF-1200, Automatic Injection Molding Machine, Knowledge of M/C Operating Engel-80T, Polo Smart-250T,Ferromatic Milacron Magna 275 T, JSW-180T, Extrusion Machines (Kabra, Windsor etc).
Plastics Testing:
Mechanical Properties- Tensile Strength, Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength, Impact strength, Electrical Properties- Dielectric Strength, Volume & Surface Resistivity Rheological Properties- MFI Test. Thermal Properties-HDT,VST,DSC&TGAOptical Properties-Haze&gloss, Refractiveindex,Clarity,Product testing as per ASTM,IS,ISOetc.
Basic Computer (Ms- Office, Operating System etc).
Project Name : Study ofTensile Strength Fixture for Tarpaulin as per IS7903 & Vermibed as per IS15907.
Description : Comparison of Tensile Strength at Various tarpaulin.
Interest Field:
Production, Quality Assurance and Research & Development
To seek a meaningful and a challenging career in a dynamic and professionally managed organization. Looking forward for a position where responsibility is entrusted and whereby I can meaningfully contribute to the organization.
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