Ref. No. : CA - 22992 - (Quality - Resin, Compounds, Masterbatch – with 10.3 years in Plastic Industry)


B.E. Polymer Engineering From Maharashtra Institute of Technology, University of Pune in 2015

Diploma in Plastics Engineering From 
Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Mumbai An Autonomous Institute Recognized by Government of Maharashtra in 2012

S.S.C. From Vishwas Vidhyalaya, Kalyan, Mumbai Board in 2008

Work Experience

Quality Control Supervisor
Since May 2016
Company Profile: Manufacture of wood based resin impregnated densified laminated boards.
Job Profile:
To develop new polymer material composition which acquire a specified properties of the product.
Check quality of incoming raw polymer material and different additives.
Mainly responsible for sample development & analysis of the products.
Check quality of daily production & check mechanical, thermal stability, Flammability, optical, chemical, analytical properties of the final product

Trial Testing & Service Engineer
June 2015 to April 2016
Company Profile: Manufacturer of Plastic Sheet Extrusion & equipment for extruder machines.
Job Profile:
Take trial on extrusion machine with different plastics material and solve the problems during trial.
Give suggestion to R&D team for make suitable changes on machine.
Assembled extrusion machines on customer site and provide technical service.
Assembled & operating sheet, tube & pipe, drip, recycling&compounding extrusion machine

Internship Experience:
Previous company  
July 2010 To Dec 2010(6th Months)
Details of Training - Toassemble and operate sophisticated Extrusion Molding machine.

Pidilite Industries Limited
Dec 2011 To May 2012(6th Months)
Details of Training - Work at Packaging Development Dept. (R&D) as a SR. Officer Grade-100.

Electronica Plastic Machine Ltd.
June To June 2014(3 Weeks)
Details of Training - To assemble and studied the detail part of Injection Molding Machine.

Project & Seminar:
Industry Project: Design die which is suitable for extrude 30 to 100 mm block plastic sheet. Assembled the machine & set the parameter & take trial on it.

B.E. Project: Worked on the Poly (Vinyl Chloride) stabilize by using natural green additives in the presence of Beta-Diketone additives projectunder Institute of Chemical Technology (Mumbai) &Dr. M.B. Kulkarni.

B.E. Seminar: Presented seminar on the Plastic’s extrusion moulding process during third year of PolymerEngineering

Area Of Interest:
Research and Development
Polymer Processing and technology
Mold design 
Polymer blend &composite 
Packaging development

Co-curricular Activities:
Attended R-Evolution 2014 Quiz competition organised by Rotaract Club of Akurdi.
Participated in many sports and quiz competitions at school level.

Extra Curricular Activities:
Participated in the annual gathering ‘JAGAR-2014’ at MIT Pune.
Elected as head of promotion management team where we conducted ‘Polymer show’ in MIT Pune.
An active as well as a duty bound organizer/volunteer in departmental events

Future Goals

To work in an organization, where I can utilize and develop my skill sets and potential to help the organization and myself develop and emerge a better person as a whole.
To become a competent professional engineer.

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