Ref. No. : CA - 27115 - (Quality - Extrusion – with 9.5 years in Plastic Industry)


Diploma in Plastic Technology From CIPET, Central Institute of Plastics Engineering &Technology, Hajipur, in 2016 with 80.39%

12th From Anup Singh Inter College, Gaya Bihar Board, in 2012 with 60.00%

10th From Guru Nank High School Sakchi Jamshedpur J.A.C Ranchi, in 2010 with 74%

Skill Sets

Microprocessor control injection molding m/c
Automatic Blow molding m/c
Thermoforming m/c
Rigid PVC pipe extruder
Rotational molding m/c
Film plant in extrusion m/

Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Power Point
Internet Browsing, Language: C++ , C

Ability to rapidly build relationship and set up trust.
Confident and Determined
Ability to cope up with different situations.

Work Experience

Quality In-Charge - Quality Control Dept
Since May 2016
Company Profile: Manufacturer of uPVC pipes and fittings.

Production and Quality
1 Years
Company Profile: Manufacturer of Exhaust System, Door Trim & Fuel Tank.
Job Profile:
Work on Specialist: Injection Molding Machine
Trouble shooting of the CPVC Pipes, PVC Pipes, Conduits Pipes & Injection Molded fittings.
Good quality maintain according to their particular standard.
Checked mixing temperature, cooling temperature & proper weighing of chemical & new chemicals trial
Coordinating with various departments to meet shift Production demand as per production planning.
Assuring availability of raw materials, manpower for each shift and storage space for finished good.
Responsible for maintaining safety of m/c & workers and sustainability in plant premises.
Responsible for maintaining safety, quality and productivity as being the 1st priority.
Shift responsibility of operation of the m/c and recording DPR system.
5s system implementation in plant premises.
Working as Quality In-charge bears all responsibility related to production for new product & their testings.
All types of testing machines handles & training properly.
Documentation & Product development.
Maintain the records like in process, incoming & final inspection
Knowledge of process Inspection, Patrol Inspection & First piece approval.
Preparing Reports- Hourly, Shift wise & Monthly. Maintain the documents as per the ISO 9001:2008
Good Co-ordination skill with senior and junior.

Plastics Testing Knowledge:
Product Testing:
UPVC, CPVC, Conduits Pipe & Fitting Testing Equipment
Hydro-static pressure Testing
Longitudinal Reversion Test
Density Test
Impact Test
Tensile Test
V.S.T & H.D.T Test
Opacity Test
Flattening Test
Brust Pressure Test
Malfunctioning Test.

Raw Material Testing:-
Moisture Content
Apparent Bulk Density

Key Function Handled:-
Product knowledge of UPVC, Conduits pipe & CPVC pipes & Fittings as Per IS-15778, IS-9537, IS-4985, IS 13592, ASTMD-1785, ASTMD-2467, IS-7834, IS-14735, & Column Pipe.

Knowledge & Expertise
Plastic material
Plastic processing
Plastic testing
Quality control

Internship programmed
Educational Tour:- Plast India Gujarat
Date:- In Feb 2015

Academic Project Details
Optimization of cycle time in injection molding process by
Using different - different techniques

Future Goals

To work in a firm with a professional work driven environment where I can utilize and apply my knowledge, skills which would enable me as a fresh graduate to grow while fulfilling organizational goals.

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