Ref. No. : CA - 32330 - (Information Technology – with 14.9 years in Plastic Industry)


MCA Sikkim Manipal University 2010

Skill Sets

Operating Systems
Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008
MS SQL Server 2005/2008/2014
Web Technologies & Web Server
HTML, JavaScript, Classic ASP 3.0 & IIS 10
Bug Tracking Tools
Tools & Utilities
MS Office 16 & Office 365
Reporting Tools
SSRS, Crystal Report 8.0
Programming Languages/ Tool
ASP.NET 4.0 (Microsoft Visual Studio 2010), VB.NET, VB 6.0,
Dream weaver 3.0

Work Experience

Technical and Functional Support
From October 2016 to November 2019
Company profile - Recruitment agency.

Distributor's Retailing, Primary Sales, Secondary Sales, and Closing
From April 2014 to November 2019
Company profile - Manufacture of medical appliances and instruments and appliances for measuring, checking

Job profile -
uploading into Distributor Portal and Distributor can see their cheque details and statement of account
this portal.
Pathfinder - Processing data and reporting Distributor's Retailing, Primary Sales, Secondary Sales, and
Claims - Process Distributor's Claims settlement data, maintain master data for distributor system and
master data from Claims to Console System
Console - Masters move from this System to Distributor System, & Transaction comes from Distributor
to Console and then Console to Claims and Lakshya System and data used for reporting/ to upload in SAP
CBMS - Consumer Budget Management System - This application is used by the Finance, Marketing,
Development and Export Team for maintaining, allocating and tracking the advertising and Trade
Following complete change management system for given change.
Requirement gathering, analysis from business users, and preparation of requirement document.
Identify the source data and Extract the relevant data for the requirement.
Preparing the test data for various test scenarios.
Writing Functional & Technical Specification, Test Plan, Test Scripts.
Involved in System, UAT, Regression, Performance and Functional Testing,
Involved in Data testing and validation to maintain data quality.
Defect Tracking and Reporting using Red mine.
Involved in end to end process of Development, and Production Deployment, Release Note.
Create SQL objects (stored procedure, functions) using SQL/T-SQL.
Production support for temporary issue fixing and enhancements.

Software Engineer
April 2014 to September 2016
Worked at Client Side - Johnson & Johnson India Ltd)

Johnson & Johnson India Ltd
February 2008 to April 2011
Language and Technologies involved - Classic ASP 3.0, VB 6.0, SQL server 2005, JavaScript, Crystal
Operating System - Windows - 2003
Project Description - Payroll rollback Project is basically to make payroll processing on local Empower
instead of Global System (GHRT) where payroll is currently getting processed; to maintain proper control
of Data.
Interface has been developed between Empower system and GHRT system for maintaining all employees
salary data and investment details in Empower system for proper calculation of Income tax of Employee.

Executive - Software
Fin-e-Ssential InfoTech India Ltd
February 2008 to April 2011

(Worked at Client Side - Johnson & Johnson India Ltd)

Skorydov Systems Pvt. Ltd
August 2006 to December 2007
Language and Technologies involved - VB.NET, MS Access, HTML Reports

Language and Technologies
2003 to 2003
involved - C#, ASP.NET, SQL server 2005, JavaScript
Operating System - Windows - 2003
Project Description - Field Force Expense Management System is basically designed for sales
department. The
system is using to maintain expenses of employees and to calculate total expanse with analysis. For
Employee's per day travel expense in a metro city. Monthly expenses are calculated based on invoices
submitted by
employees and finally advise to payroll dept. for payment.

Project Title - TAXHelp Admin (Role: Developer)
Language and Technologies involved - Classic ASP 3.0, VB Script, JAVA Script, MS Access, HTML Reports
Operating System - Windows - 2003
Project Description - TAXHelp Admin is basically designed for office use. Company quarterly dispatching
Help CD, including Tax Judgments. Orders, Bills, Dispatch, Payment, Label Printing, and Reports are sub
modules of this application.

Project Title - Work Order (Role: Developer)
Language and Technologies involved - Classic ASP 3.0, VB Script, JAVA Script, MS Access, HTML Reports
Operating System - Windows - 2003
Project Description - Work Order is basically designed for office use. The system is using to maintain
order's data & generate reports for daily & monthly work order.
Project Title - Empower and GHRT (Role: Developer)
Language and Technologies involved - Classic ASP 3.0, SQL server 2005, JavaScript, Crystal Report 8.0
Operating System - Windows - 2003
Project Description - Empower blends the traditional human resource standards and practices with
contemporary technologies to make an organization more productive and responsive. System is used
to identify the requirements of an organization's job and keeps track of the professional progress
of employee while ensuring that compensation and employment practices are fair and competitive.
Empower provides
complete support for all human resource needs: Administering workforce, managing positions and
workforce, managing competencies and accomplishments, monitoring health & safety, tracking
training and development, and a complete payroll system. GHRT is Global Human Resource Transmission
Which is interface between Global HR systems of Johnson & Johnson system with Empower and viceversa.

Paper Form
2003 to 2003
Operating System - Windows - 2003
Project Description - E-File is basically designed for preparing Income Tax Return. The system is using
to maintain Tax Data of Individual & prepare Income Tax Returns (Paper Form) ITR 1, 2, 3.
Project Title - eReturn (Role: Developer)
Language and Technologies involved - Visual Basic 6.0, Excel, HTML Reports, XML
Operating System - Windows - 2003
Project Description - eReturn is basically designed for preparing Income Tax Return. The system is
using to maintain Tax Data in excel format using Macro, convert it into encrypted format SRF, & Convert
SRF file into XML
file, validate with IT Schema & prepare Income Tax Returns (Paper Form) ITR 1 to 8.
Project Title - Aspire (Role: Developer)
Language and Technologies involved - Classic ASP 3.0, VB Script, JAVA Script, MS Access, HTML Reports,
Operating System - Windows - 2003
Project Description - Aspire is basically designed for Companies to prepare the Income Tax Return of

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