B. TEch From Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur in the year 2001 to 2004 with 68.9
1.Language Skill : C, BASIC, PASCAL.
2.Operating System : Window98, XP,UNIX,DOS
3.Others : CAD (AutoCAD 2001), MS office
CURRENT JOB : working with LOHIA STARLINGER LTD. company manufactures machinery for polymer processing industry. I am working there as Assembly engineer including paint shop. My responsibilities are suggesting the most suitable polymer for replacement of metallic parts, testing of machines, and productivity improvements.
Company: DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd. Kota
Study of Compounding Process for PVC was done at the Shriram Polytech Ltd.
Study of blenders, high speed mixers, Banbury mixer, extruders (refeinhaushar) was done. Study of effect of additives on properties of PVC and testing of chemical ingredients (used in compounding) was also done.
Academic Achievements:
1. Presented Seminar on “Polymeric Membranes and there application” in sixth semester (as a part of course-curriculum).
2.Presented Seminar on “Consolidation of books by use of parylene polymers” in sixth semester (as a part of course-curriculum).
3. completed project on Electromagnetic Shielding Polymer Composites.
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